Examination of Mathew Tillinge
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fol. 228r
The Examinacion of Mathew Tillinge merchant taken by me the 25th of Januar 1641 by vertue of an order from the right honorable the lordes Justices & councell.
<W> Mathew Tillinge beinge examined saithe that about eight weekes sence he went to the Naule to christopher Cruse esqu to demaunde of him som debts which he owed vnto him where he did meete Robert Worrell clerke And vpon this Examinants returne to Dubline he was toulde by one of his saruants that Robert Worrell did say that this examinant was a rebell wherevpon this Examinant meetinge the said Worrell demaunded of him whither he had spoken any such wordes of [ ] him which he confessed & further saide that he did not only tax him but had likewise taxd better men as the lorde cheefe Baron and his <X> ladie therewith wherevpon this Examinant said vnto the said Worrell that if he had anything to charge him therewith that he woulde goe with him before the Earle of ormonde to which the said Worrell replyed & saide that the Earle of ormond was not the man which people tooke him to be for that he kept a company <Y> of troupers which were all rebells He further saithe that the next day after the speakinge of the said wordes by Worrell this examinant was brought before mr maior & that he related vnto mr maior the wordes spoken by Worrell & that in regard the maior tooke noe course with Worrell for speakinge the said wordes he did within eight dayes acquaint Nicholas Ardagh with the wordes supposinge that he had
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<Z> acquaintance with som of the Earle of ormondes gentlemen & that he woulde acquainte them with the speakinge of the said wordes to the ende that Worrell might be brought to question for speakinge the wordes.
Mathew Teelling
(endorsement on
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