Examination of Edward Dymmock
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=809229v128] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 11:28 AM
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fol. 229v
The Examinacion of liftenant Edward Dymmock taken by me as aforesaid
<H> the capteyn
the Examinant saithe that capteyne Bagnall came to this Examinant beinge vpon the bridge in the court of garde & toulde him that Nicholas Ardagh saide that he had foure or fiue witnesses to proue that one Worrell did say that the Earle of ormondes troupe were all papi{sts} and rebells & that the Earle of ormonde himselfe was not right the man he was taken for and desired this Examinants assista{nce}
<for the aprehendinge of him wherevpon the Examinant went in person with him & aprehended him & conducted him to the Castle to the councell table.
Edw: Dymocke
All the former examinacion were taken by me by vertue of the former order
Maw Eustace>
(endorsement on
fol. 229v
, in margin of examination of Nicholas Ardaghe)