Deposition of William Weekes
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:54 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 130r
William Weekes of Loughgur in the County of Lymerick gent aiged sixty yeeres or thereaboutes beinge duly Sworne
This deponent saieth that about the midle of march Anno 1641 then being in the Castle of Loughgur, one Gregorie Dorne a seruant to Mr Richard Hart went from the said Castell in the moneth and yeare aforesaid to the Grange about a Myle from Loughgurr to buy a paier of broges for his wife (as was alleadged) But as this deponent Credibly heard that Mr John Lacey then of Brouff vnderstanding <A> of the said Dorne his being at Grang aforesaid Sent a partie of his men Armed and tooke the said Dorne and Carried him to Brouffe where the said Lacy then Liued And this deponent further saieth that in or about the same tyme, he Credibly heard that one Gully Patricke whoe not long before was seruant to Mr Richard Harte aforesaid and then Liveing at Grange vnder this deponent was alsoe by Mr Lacyes men Carried to the Brouffe aforesaid and there as the generall report went both the said Dorne & Gully Patricke weare both hanged vppon the Gallowes in or neere the Bruffe Greene and further this deponent saieth that he verily beleuieth in his Conscience that they weare both Executed by orderr from the said Mr Lacy; his Reason is for what he saieth is that the said Lacy (as it was generally reported) [ ] was then Prouost marshall and had Power to Execute Marshall Law and that noe <B> other durst in that place, putt any man to death without the order given by the aforesaid Mr Lacy, he being then a person of Emynent Power there And not Longe before fforced the Castle of Brouffe as was reported and tooke itt from Mr Edward Standish and Liued therein and had the Command both of the Castle and Towne of Bruffe when the aforesaid poore men weare there Executed by his orders as this deponent Credibly heard and he saieth [ ] And further he Cannott depose
William Weekes
Taken before vs
Tho: Woodliffe
William Ryuee
fol. 130v
fol. 131r
fol. 131v
The Examination of Willyam