Examination of William Bridgham

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=810278r302] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:17 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1643-08-25
Identifier: 810278r302


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Words
Commissioners: Charles Lambert, Lord Lambert
Deposition Transcription:

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The examinacion of William Bridgham of Christ=Church yard Dublin merchant taken before the right honourable Charles Lo: Lambart of his Maiesties most honourable privie Councell of Ireland etc this 25th of August 1643
<a> Who being examined saith that he hath knowne Ridgely Hattfeild of Christ=Churchyard Dublin merchant for the space of one yeare last past or thereabouts who standeth indebted vnto this Examinantes Master John Buxton of London Linnen draper in eight or nine hundred poundes English mony for the recoverie of which and other debts due vnto his said Master in this kingdome this Examinant saith he <b> was sent over hither by his said Master in August 1642 and landed heere in September immediately then following, and shortly after began to demand his said Masters debts due vnto him aswell from the said Hattfeild as others, and being from time to time delaied payment, soe as this Examinant was forced <c> to tell him the said Hattfeild that if he did not pay his Masters debts he would take a course for the recoverie of it: Wherevnto the said Hattfeild presently answeared, which if you doe the said Hattfeild told this Examinant he would take a course to driue him this Examinant out of towne and soe being still delaied, this Examinant Commenced

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<d> Suite in his Maiesties high Court of Chancery against the said Hattfeild for his said Masters debt, and served him with a subpena to answeare the same thither their whereat the said Hattfeild was moved and swore presentlie that if this Examinant did not surcease his suites he would vndoe him this Examinant or vndoe himselfe, And for further answeare this Examinant <e> denieth that ever at any time he said to the said Hattfeild that there was noe Justice to be had at the Councell Board in Ireland against any of the Irish merchants that liue in Dublin, or did to his best remembrance euer terme them tame Rebells, or that he this Examinant at any time told the said Hattfeild that he had peticioned the <f> Councell Board for a warrant to seaze on the goods of one Richard Hill a merchant of Dublin for mony due to this Examinantes Master, or that, the Councell Board denied him this Examinant such a warrant But confesseth that he sued the said Hill at the common lawe for 300 li. debt or thereabouts due vnto his said Master, which he recovered by Judgement and execucion accordingly issued against the said Hills <g> goods for the same. And this Examinant denieth that ever he said or spoke to the said Hattfeild that the prime Officers, Captaines and the rest of the officers of the Armie garrizoned at

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Dublin or else where, were the veriest Scabbs and vnreasonablest Rascolls in the world or ever had any such thought the very scumme of the word or ever had any such thought in him to speake any such words of any officer of the Armie, and absolutely <h> denieth, that in March last or at any time before or sithence he this Examinant told the said Hattfeild that he thought verilie that the Lo: Lambart loved the Irish Rebells better then the English and Protestantes heere, or that he this Examinant did at any time diswade the said Hattfeild from raising monies by way <i> of loane for the releife of Ballenekill or told him that he was a very foole to vndertake it, or to be foreward to raise any monies to any such vse, or that at any time he this Examinant spoke any such words either concerning soldier or officer as in the said Hattfeilds allegation <k> is most falsely and vntruely sett forth, or any wordes against the Councell Board, the Armie or the Lo: Lambart as the said Hattfeild in his examinacion hath vntruely and scandelously suggested. A And denieth that ever Captain Nathaniell Gray had any such passadge with

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<l> this Examinant in Beniamins house on the key or else where, or ever charged this Examinat with any such words, or strooke w him with a Cane for the same, as the said Hattfeild hath vntruely declared, And therefore prayeth to be dismist from this vniust vexacion with his Cost and damadge heerein vniustlie sustained
William Brigham

Deponent Fullname: William Bridgham
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Merchant
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Ridgely Hattfeild, Richard Hill, John Buxton, Nathaniell Gray
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Debtor, Debtor, Mentioned, Mentioned