Examination of John Lambart
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fol. 329r
The examjnacion of John Lambart taken at the Board 14 febr: 1645
<l> The said John Lambart saith that hee is of the shipps company called The Nicholas comanded by Capten Bray, but is noe officer there, Hee saith hee hath served in the said shipp theis ten monthes past, and that his occasion of his now coming on shore shore was to <m> see his sister Debora Lambart who serves the Countes of Kildare and his Aunt Judith Cooper [ ] Hooker wife to Lievtenant Hooker, Lievtenant to the Earle of Kildare and had much dificultie to obteine leave of Capten Bray to come on shore, and that hee brought noe lettres or message to any from the said shipp, and that hee had noe busines to come on shore but to visit his said sister and Aunt
John Lambert
fol. 329v
fol. 330r
fol. 330v
14 febr: 1645
Examjnacion of John