Examination of Thomas Blockburrogh
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fol. 34r
Thomas Blockburrogh 24th June 16{42} sworne & examined
sayth that on the xvjth of this present June He goeinge vnder the command of his liuetennant with a partie of the souldyers then in Garrison at Newcastle vnto the Towne of Kildreaghte where the [ ] Rebells vsed to resorte to discover if ony of the sayd Rebells were then there or thereabouts [ ] when the examinat & the rest of the souldyers were neere vnto the sayd Towne he sawe sundry persons runn out of the sayd Towne into vnto the Howse of Sir John <S.> Dungan called Castletowne & certayne of the souldyers goeinge towards the sayd Howse of Castletowne there then issued [ ] out of the Courte Gate of the sayd Howse to the number of aboute 12 or foureteene Horsemen whoe ridd & aboute foure footemen with peeces and the sayd Horsemen wayueinge vnto the Examinant livetennant & his souldyers to drawe them neere the footemen creepeinge by the ditchers syde gaue fire vppon the sayd examinant sayd livetenant & the rest of his Companie & soe retreated towards the sayd Sir Johns Howse from whence they came
fol. 34v
Thomas Blackborragh