Information of John Woogan
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:40 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 44r
<3 deponent> John Woogan of Rathcoffy in the County of Kildare being examined before me William <X> Hilton esquire one of the Barrons of the Exchequer on the iiijth of July 1642 deposeth and saith that he hath serued Nicholas Woogan of Rathcoffy esquire any tyme these eight yeares Last past and hee alsoe deposeth that att Corpus Christi day last he the examinant was sent vnto Kilkenny by his Master Nicholas Woogan to buy powder and that he then did buy from Roberte Bennett of the same <Y> six pound of powder for which hee paid him six pounds sterling and that the said Bennett then said hee had that Powder from Kilkenny Gallway and hee alsoe saith that hee wold not sell any greater quantety in regarde the Lord Mountgarrett gaue direccion to the Contrary and he alsoe saith that after his retourne from thence he deliuered <Z> the said Powder to his Master whoe had in his custody before six pound of powder which he had from the Castle of Dublin att the first of this insurrexion and 4 musketts and a roule of mat h match, and that Oliuer Walsh of Moretowne in the county of Kildare a ffryer since the burning of Minooth deliuered thirtie pound of powder vnto the said woogan which he said he then brought from Minoth aforesaid butt whither hee did soe or not this examinant deponent knoweth not And hee further deposeth
fol. 44v
<A> that a fortnight since the said this deponents Master Nicholas Woogan went to the County of L Longford and when he was goeing from home he gaue direccion to this deponent that if the english army came that way they he shold not shoot att them butt if they did seeke to haue the Castle by force to keepe them out and shoote att them to defend themselues And hee alsoe saith that Walter Hussey the captaine whoe is nowe a <B> prissoner came some eight weekes since to Racoffy and brought with him Pa: Jordan and Pa: [ ] Doyne and he alsoe saith that Mr Nicholas Woogan knewe well that the said Hussy was att the battle of Kilrush and afterwards did releiue him vntill the <C> taking of the Castle of Racoffy with meate drinke and lodging and that Nicholas Woogan the ffryer was in the said Castle 4 dayes before the taking of the same
John: Wogan:
will: Hilton
fol. 45r
fol. 45v
4 July 1642
The ex: of John owgan