Information John Macgawly
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fol. 57r
The examinacion of John Macgawly late of kildare yeoman taken before mee william Hilton one of the Barrons of his maiesties cowrt of exchequer the fift of July 1642
<e> The examinat being sworne and examined saith, that he liu was borne at Teltane in the county of meath, and lived fower yeares in the service of Richard Crag clarck at downings in the county of Meath and abowt a yeare and a quarter since left the service of the sayd Richard and ever since lived in the service of the Bishop of Kildare vntill his going into England <f> and then was intertayned by Morrice fitz Gerrald of Allan in the county of kildare esquier to be a soldior in the kings army vnder the commaund of the sayd Morrice whoe sent the examinat with the rest of the soldiers vnder his commaund being 100 [ ] armed with the kings armes abowt Christmas Last, vnto the Naas and in the night tyme the <g> Clandonells [ ] and Captayne Scurlock being Scurlock of Rathcredans son with eightscore in there company. f in the night tyme surprised the towne of the naas and pillaged that towne it disarmed the hondred men of vnder <h> the forsayd Morrice his commaund and all so then and ther disarmed Thomas owgan son to william owgan of the downings ensigne to the forsayd morrice and that the further saieth that The sayd Morrice neither his livetennant were then in the towne of the naas. And further moreover saith that th which the sayd ensigne and company were disarmed
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<i> They made no resistance, butt willingly forsook there armes. and that ensigne Thomas owgan the next day went vnto Morrice fitzgerrald to Allan and told him how his men were surprised and Lost there armes: wherevppon wherefore the sayd morrice seemed to be angry [ ] : and that therevppon the <k> sayd ensigne Thomas owgan went to the downings where the examinat dwelt and threatned to hang the examinats wyfe to hang her and her children if the examinat wold not goe with him into actuall rebellion wherevppon the examinat for the preservacion of his wiffe and children went with the sayd Thomas into open accion and <l> was with him at the battell of Killrush [ ] with with eight and twenty more vnder the sayd Thomas his commaund who fought against the kings army vntill they did run away amongst [ ] others they were rowted by the kings army and after the sayd rowting of them the examinat, the sayd Thomas, and the rest of the sayd Thomas his company, retorned back to william owgans <m> howse: at the downings and that Johan owgan alias walsh the sayd william owgans wife to the sayd william sent them meat and drink and that the sayd william fled to the bogs for feare of the English army and stay that the examinat, the sayd Ensigne and his company stayed there by the space of seven weeks and the examinat saith that he saw william owgan during that tyme to have conference with the sayd Thomas
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<n> and did see the sayd william often tymes going to the foresayd Morrice fitz gerrald to Allan and that the foresayd Thomas went to the foresayd Morrice his howse: and was not admitted entrance thereunto and that Captaine Gilbert Tallbott and Captaine Gerrald Tallbott being then in actuall rebellion were in company with the sayd Thomas seuerall tymes eating, and drinking, and making merry
<o> And that he knoweth that Thom Peerce fitz Gerrald of Ballysonan in the county of kildare esquire Collonell Sutton of Tipper Collonell Ewstace of Castlemartin. Captayne Phillip fflatzberry of Drynanstowne Captayne Robart Nangle of Ballysar: Captayne oliver dongan Captayne william Ewstace of newtowne: Captayne Ewstace of Mollagheassh Capten oliver owgan of Downings, Captein Thomas fitzgerrald of downenee Capten Richard fitzgerrald neer great <p> Connell are all rebells and in actuall rebellion against his maiestie And that ensigne Thomas owgan robbd the howse of Richard Craig Clarck of two troncks. And that the examinat came to Rathcoffy castle, abowt a week before it was taken and there was then mr Nicholas owgan of N who stayd there two nights after the examinats comming to the sayd castle and then went to his wyfe [ ] to the county of Longford butt <q> retorned not sithence vntill the castle was taken and that when the examinat came to the sayd castle he heard there was in that castle [ ] 60 or 80 poundes of powder. butt from whome or from whence they gott or had the sayd powder the examinat knoweth not and that he saw Captein Walter Hussey Captaine f Gilbert Tallbott Captaine Thomas dongan and five of the walshes being knowen rebells were there releeved at Rathcoffy with meat and drink
John [mark] Macgawly his
will: Hilton
fol. 58v
5 July 1642
John Macgawly his