Information of Patrick Doyne
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:40 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 65r
The examinacion of Patrick doyne late of Rathcoffy taken before mee William Hilton one of the Barrons of the exchequer the fift day of July 1642 – whoe saieth
<c> That he hath beene footman vnto Captayne Walter [ ] Hussey for a yeere ending at May Last and was with the sayd walter when the Earle of ormond came with his maiesties armie against the Castle of Killsalghan and was there then with his sayd master butt knew none of the Irish Captaynes there nor any other butt saieth that his sayd master Lost that were there most of his company and armes at killsalchan and then went vnto Monull[ry] in the county of Meath, and so from place to place in that county vntill he went to the battell of killrush and after that battell abowt Easter <d> Last came to Rathcoffy where he was intertayned by mr Nicholas owgan his brother on the mothers syde with meat drink and lodgeing vntill the Castle was taken and saw seriant maior Thomas dongan Captayne Gilbert Tallbott and three or fower of the walshes being then in rebellion intertayned [ ] and releeved by the sayd Nicholas owgan with meat and drink and that he knoweth not whate quantity of powder was in the Castle of Rathcoffy neither doth he know from whence the powder that was there was brought
Patrick [mark] Doyne his marck
will: Hilton
fol. 65v
fol. 66r
fol. 66v
5 July 1642
The examjnacion of
Patrick Doine.