Information of Thomas Fitzgerald
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 71r
The examinacion of Thomas ffitzgerald of Kilmurry taken the day and yeare as aforesaid.
<k> Who being sworne to as so much as concerneth others sayeth that he hath beene at Clongowes wood this eight or nine weekes and his occasion of comming thither was by reason of a fall that he tooke from is horse in Easter weeke in the towne of Killmurry, and after ward limping [ ] on towards Clongowes wood, to a woman that had skill in [for] Chirurgry by the way he fell downe vpon the st & for care thereof went to the Castle of Clongowes wood to a woman called mary barnewall which had skill in Chirurgry where he hath continued euer since that time, and being demaunded what was the reason that he stayed any longer at Clongowes then till he was able to goe to his owne house, he sayeth that before his leg grewe any thing well his owne house was burnt, whereupon he stayed there untill the kings army came which was upon saturday morning last, he confesseth that he had a gun in his hand when the shooting was betweene the army & the castle but denyeth that he discharged any it aboue once, he saieth likwise that Richard Greames had a peice in his hand but he sawe him make no shot whith no use of it but thinketh he did as the rest did and agreeth whi with Richard Greames about the time of the said Richards comming to the castle, He <l> saieth that there was not aboue th eight muskets in the house and
fol. 71v
<m> and two or three ffirelocks and that James Eustace the owner of the house who is nowe in the County of Katherlogh did use to furnishe them with powder and shot which he got at Wexford as the examinate heard but a s for match and bullets they made in the Castle; He further sayeth that there was an englishman dwelling at Dunkedee that was called ffrancis Cardinall who being pillaged of all his stock & cattle by the souldiers and common pillagers of the irish, about eight or nine sivven or eight weekes agone as he was carryeing his household goods towards Naas comming towards neare the castle of Clongowes woods he was robbed bef of the said all his goods by the souldiers nof the said castle, and He saieth that he doth not knowe any man that was killed in the castle untill the castle was yeilded but many had their faces hurt with the sho t of the ordinance splinters of the stones occasioned by the shot of the ordinance
Wm: Ryves
The Examinacion of William Eustace of Mainham taken the day and yeare aforesaid.
Vide fol 75
fol. 72r
fol. 72v
5 July 1642
Richard Greames
Tho fz Garald