Proclamation of Phelim O’Neil and Rory Maguire
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 18r
ffrom our Campe at Newry this 4th of 9ber 1641
Phelime รด Neile
Rory Maguire
<A> To all Catholiques of the Romish partie both English and Irish within the kingedome of Ireland, we wish all happiness ffreedome of conscience and victory over the English heretickes, who haue for a longe tyme tyranyzed over our bodies, and vsurped by extortion our estates.
Be it hereby made knowne vnto yow all our friends & Countrymen that the kinges most Excellent Maiestie (for many great & vrgent causes him therevnto moveinge reposeinge trust and fidelty) confidence on our fidelity) hath signified vnto vs (by his Commission vnder the great seale of Scotland beareing date at Edinburgh the first day of this instant 8ber 1641 and allsoe by lettres vnder his signe manua manuall, beareinge date with the said Commission) of diuers great and hainous affronts that the English Protestants especially the Parliament there haueinge published against his Royall prerogatiue and allsoe against our Catholique friends within the Kingedome of England, the Coppy of which Comission wee haue heere wi t h sent vnto yow to be published with all speed in all parts of this kingdome that yow may be assured of our sufficient warrant and authority heerein
The Commission
Charles by the grace of god, Kinge of England, Scotland, ffrance and Ireland defender of the faith etc. To all Catholique subiects within our kingedome of Ireland, greeteinge know yee, that wee for the safeguard & preservacion of our person haue been inforced to make our abode and residence in our Kingedome of Scotland, for a longe season, occasioned by reason of the obstinate & disb disobedient carriage of our Parliament in England against vs. Whoe hath not onely presumed to take vpon them the governement and disposeinge of those princely rights and prerogatiues that haue iustly discended vpon vs from our predecessors both Kinges and Queenes of the said kingedome
fol. 18v
for many hundred yeares past, but allsoe haue possessed themselues of the whole kingedome strength of the said kingedome in appointeinge Governors, Comanders and officers in all parts and places therein, at theire owne wills and pleasures without our consent, whereby wee are depriued of our soveraignety, and left naked without defence, And forasmuch as wee are in our selfe very sensible that these stormes blowe aloft and are very likely to be carried by the vehemency of the protestant party into our kingedome of Ireland and indanger our Regall power and authority there allsoe, Know yee therefore that wee reposeinge much care and trust in your duties and obedience which wee haye for many yeares past found, doe heereby giue vnto yow full power and authority to assemble and meet together with all the speed and dilligence that a business of soe great a consequence doth require and to advise and consult together by sufficient and discreet numbers at all tymes, daies, and places, which yow shall in your iudgments hold most convenient and materiall for the orderinge, setlinge and effectinge this great worke (menconed and directed vnto yow in our lettres) and to vse all polliticke waies and meanes possible to possess your selues (for our vse and safety) of all the forts Castles and places of strength and defence within the said Kingedome, (except the places, persons and estates of our Loyall and loveinge subiects the Scotts) and allsoe to arrest the and seize the goods, estates, and persons of all the English protestants within the said kingdome to our vse, And in your care and speedy performance of this our will and pleasure, Wee shall perceiue your wonted duty and allegiance vnto vs, which wee shall accept & reward in due tyme, Wittness our selfe at Edinburgh the first day of 8ber in the 17th yeare of our reigne
<in the printed booke this coppy is alledged to haue beene gotten by the deponent in presence of mr Stapleton of one father Birne a priest at a taverne calld the bull on the merchant Key in dublin about the midle of November>