‘Mr Simpson’s relation of Sir Phelim o Neill’s murders’
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fol. 21r
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Concerninge Sir Philomye o Neales murders
<A> Att my Cominge out of the Countye of Monaghan into the Countye Towne of Armagh in the house of one Thomas Tayler Sir Philomye asked mee what was become of my fellowe knight of the Shire of Monaghan, I made no answere to him, then hee toulde mee hee sent a warrant to hange him & said ytt was done by very good advise. This warrant was geven to one Art Mc Bryan Sanogh Mc Mahone, who was made Marshall of Monaghan on purpose, which warrant as Art Mc Bryan Sanogh toulde mee was not signed onelye by Sir Philomye, but dyvers of the Comanders of the Irishe Armye att their seige of Agher, from whence he posted to putt ytt in execucion, And Turloghe oge also tould mee, that Sir Philomy & <B> dyvers other Comanders att the seige of Agher signed the warrant for Mr Blayneyes execucion & that my name was in the warrant to have bene executed with him, And that hee putt my name out of the warrant.
<C> There were many more murthers Comytted in Armagh, 150 att least Carryed & drowned att the bridge of Portadowne, severall drafts Carryed out of Armaghe 26 att one tyme 18 att another 13 in another, & all murdred, I knowe not who gave the warrant, but I knowe Sir Philomye was in Towne & Comander of all the North, & might have prevented ytt yf hee had pleased.
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<D> There were manye thousands more murthered in the Counties of Armagh, Monaghan & Tyrone, in his owne Towne of Kanard when my Lord Caulfeild was killd 50 persons murthered, at Corrbridge Neare Kanard att one tyme 68 drowned att another tyme 26 drownd att Loughgall 18 drowned, Mr Ecklyn & his two sonns harrye Cowell Mr James Maxwell & fower more hangd not farr from his mothers house, Brumlowe Tayler hangd on Maye daye beeing Sundaye in Charlemonte hee beeinge then in the Castle, & whilst the towne of Armagh was burninge, & many men were murthered hee sittinge on horsbacke as I have heard & never so much as reproved one of the murtherers
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fol. 22v
Mr Simpsons Relation
of Sir Phelim รด Neiles