Examination of George Barnewall

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813077r049] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:39 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-07-06
Identifier: 813077r049


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Killing, Multiple Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: William Ryves
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 77r

The examinacion of George Barnewall taken before me Sir William Ryues knight taken before me one of the iudges of his Maiesties Court of cheife place this 6th day of July 1642
<b:> Who being examiend and duely sworne to so much as concerneth others saieth, that at the beginning of thes [ ] troubles he dwelt at Sprickelstowne in the County of Dublin under ffitz [rery] of Collatrah and tooke some lands of the ward to ferme from Alderman Jans and so continued upon those lands untill it Kilsolkane was taken in by the english Irish army, and then being pillaged of most of his goods by the english souldiers army he went with the rest of his goods and his wife and children downe into Meath to a place called Mooretowne of to [ ] his owne inheritance neere the Nauan and there continued untill the english army came downe to Trim and then being spoiled of all his liue catle that were left him he went downe up unto Clongowes wood to a brother of his called Roger Barnewall it that liued in the Castle of Clongowes wood under James Eustace, it being about two moneths agone since he first went thither, He saieth when he came thither there were not aboue ten able fighting men in the Castle and that there <c> were then in the Castle but nine or ten muskets and three foure foweleing peices, and that James Eustace left that Country presently after this examinates comming thither and went downe into the County of Catherlogh, and sent powder and other provision unto them which as he heard, were gotten at Wexford, and as for bullet and match there were was those in the house that made it, He was present in the Castle of Clongowes wood when the english man of Dunkeda was robbed with in a mile of the Castle and murdered. and the actors in that murder and robbory were this examinates brother James Barnewall, Dominick Cullen and Thomas Holliwood, and some others whose names he nowe remembreth not all which persons after the murder and robbory committed were receiued into the castle and brought the stolne goods with them, and being demaunded what was is become of his said bro= <d> ther James he saieth that he was Killed in Irishtowne by the Garrison that was sent thither by from the Naas upon Trinity sonday last but denieth that any me gentlemen of the Country did use to resort to the Castle dureing the time of this examinates abode there but onely unlesse Nicholas ougan of Racophy, He saieth the men that used the guns & muskets in the fight with the english army were, himselfe, his brother Roger Richard Greames Thomas ffitzgerald Dominick Cullen, Richard Eustace, Thomas Holliwood, William Eustace of Mainhan serued with a pike, and James Eustace of Borehold serued with a musket, and the examinate hauing better recollected himselfe saieth that he was present at went forth in company with his brother James and the rest when <e> they went forth to the robbory of and murder of the englishman and did his best endeauour to haue kept his brother off that he should not haue killed the englishman but could not preuail with him, and saith there was killed at the same time the english mans wife and an old woman but there was an a litle child about six yeare old was saued by the examinate and sent back to the english mans house at Duneda, and further saieth not
Wm: Ryves

Deponent Fullname: George Barnewall
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Roger Barnewall, James Eustace, Nicholas ougan, James Barnewall, Dominick Cullen, Thomas Holliwood, Richard Greames, Thomas ffitzgerald, Richard Eustace, William Eustace, James Eustace
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Confederate, Confederate, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned