Examination of Thomas Holliwood

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=813082r065] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:39 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-07-07
Identifier: 813082r065


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Kildare
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: William Ryves
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 82r

The Examinacion of Thomas Holliwood carpenter taken before mee Sir William Ryues knight one of the Judges of his Maiesties Court of cheife place this s 7th day of July 1642.
<a> Who being examined and sworne to so much as concerneth others, confesseth that he was in the castle of Clongowes wood when the english army lately came before it on Saturday last, and went not in not in untill that morning that he sawe the english army drawing neere, he confesseth that he discharged two shots at the army out with his musket but denieth he shot any more he know saieth that he cannot tell howe many muskets there were in the house, and that he sawe but six pikes, he saieth that the markets which they did resort unto when they wanted any necessaries <b> in the house were Kilcock and Carbary which markets were uery seldome held since the garrison came to naas, He confesseth that he was present at the robbory of ffrancis the english man of Dunheda called ffrancis Cardinall, and looked upon George Barnewall James Barnewall and Dominick Cullen while they robbed and killed the said Cardinall and his wife, but the other woman was killed by Edmund Ryan (since slaine) but denyeth to haue beene an Actor therein himselfe, or to haue shared in with any part of his goods, nor euer came into the castle untill since that ty me untill that time, that the english army came before it, and further saieth not,
Wm: Ryves

fol. 82v

6 July 1642
The examinacions of Daniel
Murphy Dermot Standellon
William Behon Edmund
Wall William Lalor Dauid
Kenah William Doweling
and Thomas Holliwood

Deponent Fullname: Thomas Holliwood
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Carpenter
Deponent County of Residence: Kildare
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: ffrancis Cardinall, George Barnewall, James Barnewall, Dominick Cullen, Edmund Ryan
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel