Examination of Walter Hussey
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fol. 91r
Thexamjnacion of Walter Hussey Late of Rathcoffy in the Co: of Kildare gentleman now Prisoner with Provost Marshiall Lambart taken before the Right honorable Charles Lord Lambart one of his Majesties most honorable Privy Counsell of Ireland and Comaunder of his Majesties forces in the Citty & Suburbs of Dublin the xvth day of August 1642
<s:> Being examjned saith & confesseth that he hath often times declared & spoken aswell in the presence of one Edward Abbott with whom this examjnant is Prisoner, as in the hearing of diverse other soldiers of this Citty of Dublin, who often resorte the said Abbotts howse to drinke that about May last past to his this examjnants knowledge it was discoursed vppon (at his this examjnants Last being at Kilkenny) by the Lord Mountgarrett & the rest of the Irish Nobility <t> of Mounster & Leinster there assembled, as alsoe by seuerall Agents thether sent out of many Counties of this kingdome of Ireland, that the next adjoining Counties of Mounster & Leinster weare forthwith to raise 5000 foote & 500 horse able men well armed to be jmedeatly raised for a running army, and that the Co: of Cavan was alsoe to furnish 2000 able men more well armed, Westmeath & those parts towards Kells <v> 1500 able men well armed, & the Co: of Longford & those partes weare then forthwith to raise 1500 able men likwise to be well armed for a constant running Army, & that the next winter would be as bloody a winter as euer was knowne or
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or seene in Ireland, and confesseth that heard aswell <w> by lettres as by freindes that came from Kilkenny aforesaid that, that resolucion of the Irish Nobility doth still hould amonst them, and Cannot deny but that he the said Hussey Likwise sayd to the said Abbott & other soldiers that it was an easie matter for them the said 5000 foote 500 horse & the rest before numbered & received companies <x> of Irish soldiers to burne the Suburbs of the Citty of Dublin the next winter, but doth not remember that he then discoursed of any raising of Mists, or burning of hay or grasse, but confesseth that he said that it was very easie to passe by a Garison in a darke night, And further saith not.
Walter Hussey
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15 Aug: 1642
The Examjnacion of
Walter Hussey