Propositions concerning the sumes of money desired and the ordering of it

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 11:40 AM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 840030r016


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Misc
Deposition Type: Petition
Nature of Deposition: Miscellaneous
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 30r


No: 10

Proposicions Concerning the summes of monie desired and the ordering therof, to those of the dispoyled and distressed Ministers, and other pore Protestants now resideing in Ireland.
Offered to the honorable howse of Commons, by the Agent of the said Poore, Henry Jones Dr D.
1.Whereas severall of the poore of Ireland, both Ministers, and other of the better and of the Inferior sort of poore haueing made their Addresse to this honorable Assemblye haue liberally tasted of your Charity and bounty: Itt is hoped and humbly desired that the like favour may be obteyned by others of the same rank now presiding in Ireland who the lesse they are troublesome to this Kingdome in their personall sollicyting, and the lesse meanes the place of theire present being doth afford for their support the more are they to be Considered by your Hono: their Number of them, and the sumes desired for them are as followeth
<The Ministers> 1.ffor the Ministers in Ireland within the 4 Provinces of Leinster, Mounster, Ulster, and Conaught
<Leinster> In the Citty of Dublin there be 180 Ministers, and among them some of very good respects and the best Abilities. Besides the widdowes and Orphans of such Ministers as have been Murthered, or haue since their Comeing to Dublin died:/ Theirs Ministers being forced thether from seuerall parts, are stayed in Dublin by the Lords Justices and Councell, some of them being appointed Comissioners to examine the sufferings of the spoyled Protestant. By whose paynes the Irish Remonstrance hath been drawn vpp. And much proffitt both to Church and State is from their endeavour in that service expected. Others of the said Ministers are ymployed to visitt, and distribute to the poore in Dublin who depend on weeklie distribucions, some are sent abroad with the Army as occasions doth require, some supplying the places of those Ministers who fledd out of Dublin into England by reason of the present distraccions.
It is desired that among theis 180 Ministers there maie be a distribucion of 2160 li. according to their qualities and sufferings. This summe is 12 li. to each of them, one with annother, and out of that 12 li. a deduccion to bee made for the widdowes and orphans before mentioned_____________________________________________________}2160 li. 00 s. 00 d.
<Mounster> The Ministers within the Province of Mounster resideing in Corke, Kinsale, Youghall, Duneraile, Tallogh, Lismore, Kerry, Thomond, and other places in Mounster supposed to be about 150 persons, to whom there being allowed as aforesaid 12 li. to each, and theroutt a deduccion for widdowes and Orphans of Ministers, it maketh vpp_________}1800 li. 00 s. 00 d.
<Conaught> The Ministers in Athlone, Roscommon, Elphin, Abbyboile and other parts within the Province of Conaught supposed to be 60 in nomber. To theis 12 li. to each as aforesaid, & therout a deduccion for widdowes and Orphans of Ministers beeing made, itt makes vpp__________________________________________________________} 0780 li. 00 s. 00 d.
<Vlster> The Ministers in and about Derry and Colerane haue peticioned the Howse, and their peticion hath been referred to the Committee but not yet ordered, they are about 30 in nomber (as I remember) to whom as before 12 li. to each allotted and therout a deduccion for ther widdowes and orphans,{itt makes up} }_______________________________________________________} 0360 li. 00 s. 00 d.

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The Ministers within the precincts of Clogher and Raphoe in Vlster being about 50 persons. To theis 12 li. to each, out of which a deduccion for widdowes and orphans, the sume wilbees_______________________________________________________}0360 li. 00 00
The Ministers in Carigfergus, Belfast, and other parts of the County of Downe are about 30 in nomber, To theis 12 li. as before, & therout deducted for widdowes and Orphans, the sume wilbe________________________________________________________}0360 li. 00 00
<The other poore> 2. For the other poore in the said 4 Provinces
<Leinster> Tho distressed Ladies, and other Gentlewomen peticion to the Howse. residing in Dublin; some of theis are att the Ladies of Lords Barons and knights, and now widdowes, others daughters to Viscounts and Barons, and the rest such as are of the best respects______________________________________________________}0600 li. 00 00
<There are since the { } up heere of 1200 { } come from the Countys { }avan & Catherlagh { } who These would be { }ed 1000 li. more> The Comon sort of poore in Dublin vnto whom 1000 li. hath beene formerly sent, and 1000 li. more desired by Letters from the Lords of the Councell_____________________________________________________}1000 li. 00 00
<Mounster> As there hath beene releife sent to the poore at Yoghall and Bandonbridge. Soe it is desired, that to those at Corke, Kinsale, Duneraile, Tallough, Lismore, Kerry & Thomond there maie bee sent__________________________________________________}1000 li. 00 00
<Conaught> To the poore in Athlone, Roscoman, Elphin Abbiboile and other partes within the province of Conaught___________________________________________}0600 li. 00 00
<Ulster> To the poore in the Towne of Antrim being (as by Sir John Clotworthys Letters are Certified) about 1000 li. persons for whome the Lady Clotworthy doth desire that there bee designed_____________________________________________________} 0500 li. 00 00
There are in Carigfergus, Belfast and other partes of the Countie of Downe in Ulster (by relation of Arthur Hill Esquire) about 2000 persons for theise__________________}1000 li. 00 00
If the nomber of the poore Ministers or others, be lesse then is set forth to bee in anie of the said part es places, there wilbee a remaine for such others of them as being for the present shutt vpp in the places adioyning may in time repaire to those places appointed for distributions./
The said sumes being issued for the poore resideing in Ireland, the remaine of the Contribution wilbee whollie for such other vses as it is appointed, and therevnto carrie a blessing with itt./.
< 2.> Itt is further offered that there maie bee Comissioners appointed in the respective respectious places within the said 4 Provinces of Ireland for disposeing to the vse of the said poore such sumes as shalbee to those places designed, The said Commissioners being to retorne to this honorable Assembly an accompt under the respective hands and seales (or of a certaine nomber of them) how the same hath beene ordered. That the names of theis Comissioners maie bee given in by the said Doctor Jones to the Committees for distributions when hee shalbe therevnto required./.

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And that the Report of a supply to be sent for the poore in Ireland maie not drawe back thither such as haue by the bountie of this howse beene here releived. Itt is desired that to the said Dr Jones there maie bee given a booke of such as have heere beene taken into Consideracion, and that by order of the howse such maie bee secluded from participateing in what is soly intended for those now residing in Ireland who had not formerlie beene relieued/.
Lastly, whereas by the meanes of Doctor Jones, Agent for the poore in Ireland, the Godlie Ministers of the Cittie of London haue and doe propound to their Congregations, and other well disposed Christians, the giveing in of cast clothes for Men women and Children, whereby the naked maie bee clothed and preserved from the iniurie of cold, and that it is hoped that the quantity of this supply wilbe such, as that it may in some competenc{e} bee distributed into seuerall places within the 4 prouinces. And that the ordering hererof, the carriadge from London to the seuerall Ports the chardge of the wharfadge into the seuerall ports in Ireland to w{hich} they shalbe directed, with the Carriadge and disposeing of them after, wilbe of great trouble and expence, And that this honorable howse maie not be chardged therin, and or that there bee not for the same any defalcacion { } of the monie designed, as before. Itt is desired that for the dischardge thereof Doctor Jones maie haue the liberty and benefitt of exchanging of the said sumes into Ireland in peeces of Eight, which yeelding more in Ireland then heere, that, and all other charges of Carrying ouer the said sumes maie be defrayed by him, and that if anie remaine shalbee by the said Exchange it may remaine to the said Dr Jones in Consideracion of his attendance and solliciting the Cause of the said inferior sort of poore from whom otherwise, hee doth not expect anie thinge
All which is humbly propounded & subiect to the wisedomes of this honorable Assemblie by your Honors most devoted Servant
< the summe is 11520 li. I did omitt some poore at Droghedah, & very many at Burr alias Parsonstowne, & others at the fort of Leax, & at Mounster Evan; among {which} there beeing distributed 480 li. the whole summe { } be 12000 li. >

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The sommes desired for the
distressed in Ireland

Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Henry Jones, John Clotworthy, Arthur Hill
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Petitioner, Mentioned, Mentioned