Examination of John Dearnell

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=814142r085] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:05 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1641-12-14
Identifier: 814142r085


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: King's Co
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Robbery, Stripping, Words
Commissioners: Gerard Lowther
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 142r

<78> The examinacion of John Dearnell of Rapheston in the kings Com gent taken before mee Sir Gerrard Louther knight Cheeife Justice of h{is} Maiesties Court of Common pleas & one of his Maiesties Justices of the peace &c. the 14th of xber 1641
<Q> Who beeinge duely sworne vppon the holy Euangelist sayth & examined sayth vppon his oath that on or about the first of this instant month of xber that one Hugh Dempsey of Ballywegh Esquire Brian Dempsey of Ballynekill gent Philom Dempsey gent, Donnell Kellye of Ballyrent gent all of them beeinge of the Kings Com aforesayd with others in their Company to the number of two hundred or thereabouts came in a Rebellyous manner armed <R> with (videlicet) some of them with Gunns others with hal{f} pikes & swords & pitch forkes & clubbes to Rapheston aforesayd & about tenn or eleuen of the clock in the forenoone of the same daye forceably & Rebellyously came to the dore of the house with great loggs of wood & di{d} batter the dore a longe tyme & findinge the dore so stronge that they could not enter they presently assaulted the windowes with the said loggs of wood & breakeinge the iron barres made their entran{ce} in at the windowes with their swords in their hands & brake open the trunkes chests & dores within <S> the said house & brought Carts & Carres & did carrye awaye all the beddinge linnen plate rings & Jewells of his wiues pewer brasse cupbords bedsteads stooles & stript his wife o{r} of parte of her clothes on her backe & tooke o{ff} from himselfe his shooes from his feete.
Ite there was then taken from him by them aboue sixhu{ndred} english sheepe worth { } pounds

fol. 142v

<V> Item there was then taken from him by them about threescore heads of English Cowes oxen & other Cattle worth at the least one hundred & twentye pounds
Item there was then taken from him by them two Geldings fower mares & Coults worth twentye pounds
Item a haggard of Corne worth threescore pounds
Item eight acres of wheate & Beare in ground worth twentye fower pounds
<W> Item they entred into the possession of two farmes & tooke awaye the leases & writings that hee had to shew for them one of them beeinge the plough land of Rapheston aforesaid in which hee had thirtye seuen yeares or thereabouts to come on which hee had built a fayre stone house two storyes & a half high which cost him at least a hundred & fiftye pounds at least the land beeinge worth at that tyme as it was improued fortye pounds a yeare ouer & aboue the Lords Rent the other of the halfe plough land of Ballinchristi in the Com aforesaid in which hee had for as longe a tyme & for the interest therein hee was offered fowerscore pounds not about a month before
<X> Item there was taken from him nyne or tenn hoggs or swine worth fower pounds at the least
All which goods chattles & househould stuffe hee this examinate sayth were taken from in rebellyous manner as aforesayd & were as hee verely beeleuith worth at that tyme neere a thousand pounds
Jo: Dearnelle
Gerrard Lowther

fol. 143r

fol. 143v

The examination of John Dearnell
Kinges Countie
Rec 5 Jan: 1641
That he was robbed of his Goodes by Hugh Dempsie of Ballywigh, Bryan Dempsie of Ballinekill Phelim Dempsie and Donnell Kellie

Deponent Fullname: John Dearnell
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Gentleman
Deponent County of Residence: Kings County
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Hugh Dempsey, Brian Dempsey, Philom Dempsey, Donnell Kellye
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel