Incomplete draft of Henry Jones’s observations on military matters

Collection: Other Depositions

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:10 AM

Dublin Core

Identifier: 840034r019a


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Misc
Deposition Type: Miscellaneous
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 34ar


<4.> That in Dublin there be a constant Garison of 3000 li. with some hors e in droghedah 1500 in Trim 1000 with some troupes of horse in Ech & that some workes be made ech capable of 100 men one at the Bridge of Slane the other and at the bridge of Kilkarne neere the Navan a third at a foord over the River of the Boyne no t farre from Kill karn e where & one a f o ord with in a mile of the said kilka{rne } these beeing I do not for the present remember the Name. These garisons in these 3 workes are to be releeved out of droghedah or Trim as occasion might require & at dublin the garisons of dublin Trim & Droghedah may be provided of horss. Hereby shall all that faire & fertile Country within the boyne be all within 20 miles of Dublin and the dwelling places of the prime Nobility & gentry of the Rebels be secured; Heereby may good use be of manuring that part of the Country for corne whereo f it is for supplys besides what Impression the Garison at drogheda shall make into the parts about it more Northerly. As for planting other smale garisons or building newe Forts in places of advantage for hindring incursions into the Pale with choice of the places for that service I referre it to be offerred if it be not all ready do n ne by another hand.

<5.> That beside these aforesaid garisons in & about Dublin there be an Army of 6000f & 1000 h for cleering the Country about, as Wicklow marching as occasion may be into the Counties of Wicklo Kildare Wexford Catherlagh Kilkenny Westmeath K.C. & Q.C. Longford & Cavan & Monaghan: some of these viz Kilkenny & the K.C. lying also nigh to the Mounster forces who may sometimes asist looke into those parts if cause require. And that besides such standing garisons as may be conceived meete for the 4 other 3 provinces there be also a proportion considerable body of our Army on foote in ech to attend the proceedings of the Enemy & for following him & beating him out his places of s holds, & for recovering with such places of strrength & consequence as are held by him.

<6.> That the condition & state of the Province of Ulster be duly considered & provided for consisting of the Counties of Fermanagh, Tirone, Londonderry, Donegall, Downe, Antrim and Armagh; to speake nothing of the C. of Louth, Cavan & Monaghan, which as may be they may by the Northerne so also by the Leinster forces mu st be readily releeved.
As for the 3 Counties of Downe, Antrim, and Donagall Armagh they are more then aboundantly provided for by the Regiments vnder the Command of the Lo: Conoway, & and Sir J. Clothworthy together with the Scottish Army designed for those parts.
But it is humbly offered to be considered what Impression these forces shall be able to make into the other 4 Northerne Counties of Londonderry, donegal, Tirone, & Fermanagh not that therein wherein I question not what may in time by so st greate a power be performed; but whether the service in respect of expedi tion will be answerable to the preprations greatenes of the preparations & hopes expected from them.

<symbol> And heerein as I do humbly crav e leave for the p resent in this way make bold in this way to declare my selfe, so shall I be ready by the Geographical description of the Country further to cleere it, yet still referring & submitting my private conceptions to more mature Judgments. [A revised version of this paragraph appears on

fol. 34r

1.That [ ] And first for our Northerne Army landed at Knockfergus to march to dromore, Newry, Armagh & Agher & so to Derry & Dunegall were to coaste the Country, & at Armagh to be neere they are as nigh dublin the n as Derry they marching 60 long irish miles & & through dangerous wayes before they turne face towards dunegale or derry: dunegal beeing about 100 miles from knockfergus so that (although it be not convenient it should be so) yet it is apparant conceaued, that the releefe into those parts 4 Counties might with greater ease & less danger for the waies, & with less charge be sent from Dublin then Knockfergus.
2.should that our Arm Northerne Army take that upon t o it to make its owne way through the hitherto usual & shorter course of travailing from knockfergus to derry. Let it be considered that heerein they are to pass besides the danger of bogges mountaines & woodes interupted they are stu hindred by the two greate Rivers at the Banne & Loughfoile w where of the River of the Banne betweene Colrane & Logh Reagh there are are no bridges and but but 3 foordes whereof two are strongly guarded & fortefied by the Enemy <[symbol] vzt that of the neere the salling of the River into the Lough & that other at the strong castle of the Tome yet> as also it is or m ay
[ that ] it being in there there owne power so to d o & it can not being to be doubted but there lik e care will be taken therin for the 3 beeing above Kilrough & with worke avantag es fewe [ ] hands in there streights may make for a multitude in such enterprises, neede not be insisted upon. <or supposing it feizible as> it is not denied yet is that course dangerous tedious & chargeable And the whole breadth of Ulster etc
If from thence we looke belowe Lough Neagh we find inded a Bridge at Charlemont but a bridge is easily made vnserviceable being in the power of an Enemy fearing invasion that way. Such as is this, the Castle of Charlemont beeing in S.P.N. possession 2. there is yet lower a foord of the blackwater; but that is vnder Sir P.N. command together with the Blackwater fort 3 at Agher there is abridge but yet commanded by a strong Castle possessed wherein the Enemy doth ly strongly garrisoned [symbol] And should all this be [feizable?] yet is it a course tedious, charg e able, & dangerous . [An additional paragraph appears on

fol. 34r


fol. 34av


< 3.> should that our Northerne Armey supposed to overcome all these difficultys & that with greater that such celerity { } is desired, yet should the Enemy as in other places he is accustomed avoid the feild & stand on his advantage of time
The For securing therefore the subject in these the said 4 Counties of Lond. dunegall Tirone, & Ferm. for diverting the Rebells therein, & extinguishing the Rebellion th{ere} it is further humbly offerred.
1.That there [ ] be peculiar forces designed for that service to be landed at derry either sent over ei ther out of th England, or part of the Scottish army to be landed at derry about at Derry which is the only able Port for those 4 Counties
2.for the Number In the last warr es The towne of Derry beeing vnwalled, yet was the place then esteemed of that Consequence in the last warres that it was commaunded by that famous leader the late Lord Dockwras with 4000 men but commanded therein but but But the Command of the field beeing first our owne the standing forces would be 1000 f. & 300 h. whereof the greatest garison to be in londonderry both for the safeguard of the p l ace & to [ ] all occasions abroade
3. that the strong castles of the Agher, Omey & Charlemont and the Omy now in the Enemys hand beeing regained may be str well garisoned, the last of them lying in the Centre of Tyrone & many waies meeting at the Bridge
3. 4.that other garisons be placed in
1. in Ramullan keeping commaunding all mcSwines country
2. Lifford, stopping the passage betweene Tyrone & Dunegall.
3. Castledirgh, or Castle Finne.
4. Limvaddy Castle; the only fort nowe le f t
5. Rapho where is now the strongest wherein is now a garison of 150 [ ] command by the Bishop of Raphoe
6. at Ballishanon stopping the pas intercourse of & passage of the Conaught & Ulster Rebells. heereby also may our Conaght forces communicate with the Northerene on all occasions the C. of sligoe beinge the next adjoining there to Ballishanon.
<4 5.> the aforesaid ten garisons may be well There is to be Left a greate part of the said forces 1000 f. & 300 h. at Derry both for that securing the place & attending all occasion abroade which may well be donne without any prejudice to the former afore 9 garisons they all beeing sufficiently provided for strengthened; so provided that there be armes there sent thither for 3000 men to gether with powder & amunition. be se n Heereby if all the Inhabiting Brittish & Scots bee{ing} armed may be disposed off & garrisoned in the the said several forts & places for garison which I { } they would willingly do vnder take without any further charge to the publique b eeing for there own safety & livelihood [< for there owne safety> : continuation on

fol. 34v

<7.> [ ] The setting shortening of this
to It ha th in the like occasions heere fore beene found a ready
<7.> The cutting off of the princ Ringleaders hath in this Rebbelion will be a ready meane for shortening the worke, & bringing the warre the sooner to an End. for doing whereof it experience of former times hath taught vs that for rewards pardons or rewards it is usuall with that Enemy to betray ech other.
It would therefore be considered whether it doth not much conduce to that service that a general Commissions be graunted to all commaunders of Forts & garisons to treate with the Enemy herein [<one of the rebels> : continuation on

fol. 34v

] in this way, that either his promise of pardon or offers of a reasonable reward answerable to the service & befitting person employed mad e by the m may be ratified. provided alwaies the persons attempted upon be of considerable, & that the Actor be not a landed man, or if he be may the reward b e only in extend not to the setling of him in his lands.
And whereas although this may is in some part the r all ready there in taken into consideration as doth appeare in the proclamation to that end concerning some particular men sett forth by the lords Justices & Councel of Ireland, yet do we not yet heare of any effect it hath hitherto taken: whereof the reasons may be 1 that the persons so proclaimed are thereby made more circumspect whereas in secret compacts they are were that left open open to all opportunities 2. All hope as the want of of a fytt oppertunity for effecting s o of escaping may be taken from the Actor by reason of the distance it may be from that place of safety he might retire vnto. but Heere in the next adjoining garison he may find at once both security & reward
8. In regard &c.

fol. 34v

[These are continuations of lines from

fol. 34av

, where they have been included in the transcription]

for there owne safety

one of the Rebells

fol. 34r

[These are additions to the text on

fol. 34ar

: the places at which they were to be inserted are indicated in the transcription]

<symbol> wherein ever referring & submitting my private conceptions to more mature Judgments, I do humbly crave leave that I may pressume the boldnes to declare my selfe with reasons leading moving me thereunto, beeing at further ready by the geographical description of the Country farther to cleere that it when I shall therein receive your Honors Commaunds.

<symbol> As for attempting the wasting of that greate army or a considerable part thereof of that Large lough, river where it doth sp rea de itselfe into that greate Logh Neagh in the Length of that course in the narrowest place being 15 miles is [ ] a generall [first to be consider ed] , besides the want of a sufficient number of 60 vessells for that use, or if it be donne by degrees a fewe on the further side landed are but a prey for the numerous enemy while the body of the army is long after expected. So that humbly if by this Northerne Army this be not to be effected, we shall find but one 3 part of Ulster provided for the other two 3f beeing left, the whole breath of Ulster from sea to sea left to the managing of the for those forces for so [ ] are are those two places Knockfergus in the Co of Antrim & Ballishanon <in the Co of >

fol. 35r


<4.> Besides the former maine distresse, the Enemy is yet pre ssed with a great { } hath his bread { } snatcht out of his mouth by our burning & spoyling all bef{ } whereas it is hoped we shalbe from all parts be plentifully{ } <intending this greate worke>
(symbol) <symbol If therefore by our present falling vpon him from all parts & by beeing masters of the field we take from him the following Haruests provision either by burning, spoiling, or converting it to our owne use, famine will in warr will effect that for vs which by reason of there avoiding, our swordes will can not do.>
<5.> The Summer=warr maketh vs superior to them in our Horse ({ } want) and in our ffoote which then may well come vpon service. Whereas (to speake nothing of the advantage the Rebell may m{ } of long & darke nights) A t that A winter warr need offer vs noe o{ } Enemy to fight withall then vnseasonable weather & vnpassable { } wherevnto our souldyers haue not been accustomed. Besides tha{ } thereby we doe for the most Parte loose the service of our horse, wherein doth consist a very great and important part of our strength both for Routing and Chasing the Enemye.
<6.> Let 6ly the Consideracion of still retayning soe Nigh Neare, soe grea{t} soe fertile a Kingdome be pressing and prevalent, That as { }remayning our owne, the benefitts were not to be valued, soe { } falling into the hands of an Enemy it may be of most extr very exceeding great and dangerous Consequence to this kingdome of England; where {} let be considered the difference betweene the keeping & regay{ } a kingdome, The first in a timely care being easie & cheape, { } other not without much effus ion of blood expence of Treasure & waste of Tyme.
<7.> To which let me add 7ly the hopes of a ready Conqueste whereof we haue already by Gods goodnes, fortunate beginni{ng} and many happy Omens. Let the possession of a fayre & ever{y} way well provided Countrey readily draw on All hearts and hands chearefully to ioyne in soe great and yet in (as now it standeth ) soe easie and advantagious a worke.
<8.> But lastlie yet cheifely let the Glory of God, the enlarging {of} the Church and planting Gods worshipp in that hitherto land of darknesse and superstition, kindle a Godly zeale & forwardn{ } in in all the vndertakers & subscrib{ers} to a worke soe pious, soe profitable, soe Honorable./.
In all which I shall crave pardon that with that foolish Orator I have presumed before Haniba{ } discourse of the ordering of a warre, and therein busied my self in what may be wel{l} conceived to be without my spheere. but who can and will not speake in the calamities { } his Country? or who can blame me in seeking or proponding [ ] Remedys for her Recover{ }
All which In the behalfe therefore of that distressed Country kingdome of Ireland, imploring your ayde are [ ] to this honorable Comittee represented by the former consideration of her condition, & propositions t ending to her welfare tendred
The meanest of her its her Children
the humblest and your readiest
readyest of your of he r servants
your Honors Servants
Hen: Jones

fol. 35v

x 1. derye
x. Agher a stronge place & convenient and to be ioyned by practise with ease
x 6. omey is the centre cent er of Tyrone where all ways meete at the bridge
x 5. Ramullan doth keepe all in mc Swines country:
x 3. Lifford stoppes the passage betweene Tyrone & Donnegall
x Ballishannan stoppes the passage, betweene Vlster & Connaght
x Castlederge to stopp the pasinge of finne this in Castle finne
x Limivaddy the only fort left us in the county of Lond: derry
x 4. Raphoe the strongest house in Ireland & hath in it an 150 voluntaries
x Charlemont a place of great consequence but in the rebells hands.
In these garisons
the 3 foordes betweene Colrane & Loghneagh [ ] whereof Lo beg & tome castle are in the hands of the Enemy betwene Loghneagh a passage, or the bridge at Charlemont is commanded by the fort in the Enemys hands & likely broken downe or may be. 2 at blackewater where a ford, but commanded by the Castle in S. Ph. Neales hand. 3. at the Agher a bridge the place in the hands of the Enemy.
So that from Knockfergus a march to dromore Newry Armagh & Agher & then to returne towards Londonderry & those parts is a course not to the thought upon in the Expediting of the service.
The Scots do but prouid for one 3 part of Ulster, the other 2.3. parts being Easier both for way & passage to be releeved from dublin thene ther at.
a priuate not for [not?] [defat..?]
3. showld that body ma rch yet doth not purpose to garison whereas garisons are heere requisite

Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Lo: Conoway, J. Clothworthy, Lo: Dockwras, * mcSwines, Bishop of Raphoe, Ph. Neale, Hen: Jones
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Author