Examination of James Hobb
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fol. 384r
The examination of James: Hobbs smith taken before Capt John Peck the 12th of 7ber 1652 the examinante sayth that
Being duely sworne that at the begining of the rebellion that the people of the garrison of Ballinakill sallied forth and Carried many woamen with them forth to Carry in some Corne for the releife of the said Garrison when the Garrison party Came into the feild one of the dempsyes with a party appeared and indeavoured to gett between the party and home vppon which the English begann to make theire retreat good being ouer powered they weare inforced to leave the woamen to the Cruellty of the enimy weare many of them weare slaine vppon this there went forth a party out of the Garrison to recouery the dead bodyes or to doe some execution vppon the enimy amongst the dead bodyes was one Elisabeth Edwards who was left by the enimy for dead though but mortaly wounded the party Carried the said Elizabeth to the said Garrison where shee liued about 24 houres and being asked howe she Came so mortified she replyed that one John Hurahan as shee stood at a Corne stak tooke his pikle and gaue her those wounds This examinante heard the said Elisabeth speake the said words and this examinantt further sayth not
James [mark] Hobbs marke
<This examination is atested by Jo Peck>
fol. 384v
fol. 385r
fol. 385v
Ja Hobbs exam against John Harahan killinge Elizabeth Edwards
Memorandum to enquire of Collonel pretty whether Hanrahans Christian name be William or John