Letter to the Earl of Ormond on behalf of the House of Commons
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fol. 52r
No 18
I am Commanded by the House of Commons to lett your Lordships knowe that with much Contentment they receiued informacion from Ireland of the good service performed by you against those Wicked and bloody Rebells And in testimony of there good Acceptance and Esteeme of it they doe present you with this Jewell to be vnto yow a remembrance of theire Affecion as alsoe a pledge of theyre intention of takeing all occasions to acknowledge your Meritt Continueinge in the same Zealous indeavours to save this State and the true Religion by the suppression of that unnaturall Rebellion. These Lynes will further assure you That noe misreporte or false scandalls which any Malitious Tongue may haue raysed concerning you can make the least impression on them who can easily see through such empty Cloudes and fasten a Cleare iudgment upon true and honorable desertes. My Lord you haue heere the publique expressions of the sense of the Howse made unto you by theyre owne Comaund. Receive now (I beseech you) you the tender of his perticuler service Who heartily prayes for the Continuance of your prosperous sucess in soe piouse a Cause And desires to remaine
2nd Aprile
Kilrushe the 15 Apr: 1642
Your Lordships most humble and most Affecionate seruante
Wm Lenthall
To the right honorable the Earl: of Ormond
and Ossorie Lieutenant Generall of his Maiesties Army in Ireland
fol. 52v
fol. 53r
fol. 53v
Ra: 8 August 1642