Examination of William Beolan
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fol. 388v
<E> The Examinacion of William Beolan aged 24 years or therabouts taken the day & year within written
The said Examinant sworne & examined saith, that he knoweth that ther was Englishman who was a lay man & vnder noe comaund taken att Brittas about a week or a fortnight since, by William ffogertyne, Jams O Mayrie Magher who went into a howse in the said towne, this Examinant, & John o Magher standing without att the door, being asked how he
fol. 389r
or they did knowe that ther was an Englishman within the howse, he saith <F> that they marching theron the towne, James O Mayrie, came vnto them & told them that ther was an Englishman who was a spie in the towne & caried them to the howse, whervpon the said William ffogertyne & James O Mayrie went in to the said howse as aforesaid, & seised vpon & brought forth the said English man, whom they caried away vpon a garron (because he was lame) to a place about half a mile beyond Brittas, wher he was murthered by Edmond Roshanan & William Hanrighan as he heard, Being asked what officer was with them & had the comaund of them att that tyme he saith Ensigne Thomas Grace, being asked who gaue order to putt the said Englishman to death he saith he knoweth of none, but that they did itt of ther owne heads as taking him to be a spie, and further saith not
William [mark] Beolan marke
Taken before vs the day & year within written
D Axtill
Edw: Ellman
Jo: ffarrer
fol. 389v
The Examinacions of Ensigne Thomas Grace, John O Mayrie, & William Beolan, concerning the murther of an Englishman nere Brittas
(75) (75)