Examination of John Reade
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Beeinge demaunded whate propositions he was entrusted by the lord & Gentry to presente by word of mouthe vnto his Maiesty besides whate was expressed in the letters & petition sayth That he was to acquainte his maiestie that the sayd lords & gentery would bee readie for his maiest y to serue his maiestie with all when soever he should command them with all the power they could poseebly make & would at theyre owne charge Arme & ma n y mantayne the sayd force & likewise to haue theyre desires setled vnto them by a porliment in this kingedome they would make his maiesties Revenue more more then formerly It hathe been by twentie thousand pounds yeerlie
J. ReadeRobert Edward Dowdall of [Moutaine]