Examination of James Grace

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816016r008] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:28 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-01-05
Identifier: 816016r008


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Meath
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Words, Investigative
Commissioners: Robert Meredith
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 16r

The Examination of James Grace Esquire taken by mee Sir Robert Meredith knight &c one of his M aiesties Justices of the Peace of the Countie of Dublin the 5th of January 1641: By direction of the right honnorable the Lords Justices & Councell
Who beeing sworne & Examined saith that about the end of December last hee saw a Letter which written by one Relie ( [ One ]of the cheife of the Northerne Rebells ) from the Rebells Campe about Drogheda vnto Mr Nicholas Dowdall the present Sheriffe of the Countie of Meath: In which Letter the said Relie acquainted the said Sheriffe that the Campe had not for the fiue dayes last past receiued any Beeves from the Countrie And that itt seemed the gentlemen of that County thought the Army could liue vpon the Aire But if they supplied the said Army noe better The Armie must of necessitie raise the Seige att Drogheda and retire thence And further saithat in case the said Sheriffe neglected his dutie in provideing Beeves for the said Army Then then according vnto the directions of the Lordes of the Pale They of the said Army would send for all the said Sheriffes owne Cattle: Beeing demaunded who were the Captaines and Gouernours of the said Armie saith that as he vnderstandes the Viscount Gormanston is Gennerall of the ffoot The Earle of ffingall Gennerall of the

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horse Mr Lawrance Dowdall of Alumney a Captaine of a ffoot company Mr Patrick Cusack of Gerrardston Captaine of ffoot companie Andrew Dillon of Riverstowne Captaine of a ffoote Companie A Brother of the Earle of ffingalls Captaine of a ffoot companie All these Captaines & one more who is not remembred by the Examinant are appointed out of the Barony of Screene And the like <X> course is observed in all the other Baronies of the said Countie as hee is enformed As in the Barony of Galtrim the Barons sonne & heire is one Who the rest are hee cannot name And as this Examinant vnderstood one Read a Scottishman (of late Leivtennant Collonell vnto Sir Henrie Bruce) is made Leivtennant Gennerall of the fforces of that Countie and of the whole Pales fforces likewise And hath the same power ouer the Army of the Pale as Collonell Peirce hath ouer the Northerne Army And beeing likewise demaunded what hee vnderstood of the intents of the said Armies answeared, That as he vnderstood there meaneing is as soone as the Towne of Drogheda may bee taken & the Armes theire gained then to sett vpon the Seige of this Cyttie of Dublin And in the interim to lie as neare the the same with part of theire fforces as possibly they might to distresse the said Cyttie & to keepe Corne and other provisions from the Market thereof
Rob Meredith

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James Grace

Deponent Fullname: James Grace
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Meath
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Nicholas Dowdall, * Relie, Henrie Bruce, * Read, Viscount Gormanston, Earle of ffingall, Lawrance Dowdall, Patrick Cusack, Andrew Dillon
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate