Examination of Richard Streete

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816024r012] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:28 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-03-12
Identifier: 816024r012


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Meath
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Investigative; Confederacy
Commissioners: Robert Meredith
Deposition Transcription:

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The Examination of Richard Streete, taken before mee, the xiith of March 1641, By direction of the right honnorable the Lordes Justices & Councell.
Who beeing sworne & Examined saith, that about ffoure or ffiue daies before the Seidge of Drogheda, hee waited on his Master, John Read Esquire vnto Mr Darcies house of Plattin, where his said Master & Mistress remained vntill after Christmas, & within ffoure or ffiue daies after his Maisters comeing vnto the said Mr Darcies house, there alsoe came vnto the said house Coll McMahowne one of the Northeren Rebells, who lay in the said house two nightes together, with sundrie other of the said Northeren Rebells, who did eate and drink att one table with the said Mr Darcie & Mr Read this Examinants Master And after the said two daies nightes continuance there hee the said Coll and his Companie remoued vnto Old bridge. And likewise saith there were Garrisoned att Plattin onelie one Companie vnder the command of the said Mr Darcies third sonne; But saith that in Christmas last there was a meeteing in the said house of Plattin, of the Lord of Gormanstowne, the Lord Netterfeild, the Lord of Slaine, the Lord of Lowth, and a Multitude of the Gentrie of the Pale, whose names hee this Examinant knoweth not, with Sir Phelim o Neale, who after dinner were lockt vpp together in Councell, in a room in the Castle of the said house. But saith that his said Master was (whilest the said Lordes & others were in Councell) in his owne Chamber. Yet after the said Councell brake vpp they the said Lord of Gormanston, & Lord Netterfeild,

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came vnto his said Masters Chamber & had speach with him, and some ffortnight after, Collonell Plunckett came vnto the aforesaid house of Plattin, to visitt Captaine Arthur ffox who constantlie laie att the said house of Plattin, where Mr Read this Examinants Master spake with the said Plunckett. And this Examinant further saith that dureing the tyme of his said Master his beeing att Plattin, hee made three seuerall Journeys vnto Gormanston. The ffirst tyme of his said Maisters going thither was about eight weekes sithence, att which tyme Mr Darcie of Plattin and his said Master went together: But staid not much aboue an houre. And about a weeke after his said Master and Mr Darcie went againe vnto Gormanston, where they staied that night, And where likewise were the same night, the Lord Netterfeild, Mr James Bath of Athcarne, Mr Wesley of the Dingan, & Collonell Plunckett: And the third tyme of his said Maisters going vnto Gormanston was about a fortnight since, where hee onelie staied dinner, & found there with the Lord of Gormanstowne, Collonell Preston, and Captaine Preston. And this Examinant beeing demanded what other houses his said Master resorted vnto, answeared that his said Master went vnto noe other house, excepting the Lord Netterfeildes, and once vnto Mr James Bathes of Athcarn where hee lodged a night, and there mett with Sir John and Patrick Netterfeild, brother to the said Sir John. And this Examinant alsoe saith that about the end of Christmas last his said Master remoued from Plattin vnto Dowth, Sir John Netterfeildes house; Att which house three of the Northern Rebells (two of which were Captaines and the third a Collonell & by name of the รด Neales)

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were one night entertained by the said Sir John Netterfeild & his Ladie & lodged by them in the said house haueing supped with the said Sir John, his Ladie, and this Examinants said Master
Rob Meredith

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The Examination of Richard Streete concerning his Master John Read Darcie of Plattin Bath of Athcarne Sir John Netterfeild and certain of the Lordes of the Pale


Deponent Fullname: Richard Streete
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Meath
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: John Read, Mr Darcie, Lord of Gormanstowne, Lord Netterfeild, Lord of Slaine, Lord of Lowth, Arthur ffox, James Bath, Mr Wesley, Collonell Plunckett, Collonell Preston, Captaine Preston, Patrick Netterfeild, John Netterfeild, Coll McMahowne, Phelim o Neale
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Confederate, Rebel, Rebel