Examination of Patricke Barnewall
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fol. 29r
The examinacion of Patricke Barnewall of Kilbrue in the County of Meath taken before vs Sir Charles Coote knight & Barronett and Sir ffrauncis Willoughby knight etc the 24th of March 1641
<D> Saith that about the 27th or 28th of January last the Lo: of Gormanston Generall of the County of Meath and Hugh Birne Lieutenat generall of the said County comaunded this examinate to goe to the County of Wexford to buy powder and munition which they said was come thither from ffraunce, or Loe=Countries, but sent noe money with this examinate for hee was only to contract for the prizes of <E> the said powder and amunicion and that if hee Could agree for the same, and vppon his return, the said Generall and Lieutenant generall would send a Convoy and money to bring the said powder and municion to the County of Meath, hee further saith that there did goe downe to the said County of <F> Wexford with this examinate one James Andrewes and George boy and Donnogh More hee saith that i t wa s hee bagan his iourney vppon a sunday in the afternoone and lar from his owne house at Kilbrue and lay that night
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at an Ale=house in Dunboyne leeing six miles from <G> his house, On Munday hee travelled at seauen of the clocke in the morning hee passed ouwe Lucan=Bridge and trauelled all that day without eateing vntill hee came that night to lef to an Englishmans house halfe a mile beyond Powerscourt where hee did meete with Luke Toole and they dranke worth six or twelue pence in drinke together, and sin but had noe conference with him, On tuesday hee trauelled all day without <H> eateing and that night lay at an Ale=house neere the well of Kilbride in the County of Wicklow on Wednesday hee trauelled all day all without eateing and that night lay at an ale=house within six miles of ffearnes in the County of Wexford, on thurseday hee trauelled till two of the clock in the afternoone and then came to the Towne of Wexford, and lodged at one <J> Daltons an Inn=keepers house in the said towne where hee lay that night and the next day repering backe to his owne house on ffryday night hee lay at an ale=house in ffernes on Satturday hee trauelled all day and came to hackettstowne where hee lay that night at <K> an ale=house, on Sunday hee trauelled to Ballimore and lay that night in an ale=house there and on Monday came to his owne house, hee further saith that hee ver i ly beleeueth that Luke Netteruell Roger Moore dealt perswaded with Luke Netteruell to deale with the Lords of the
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<L> of the Pale to goe into actuall rebellion,
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24 Martij 1641
Patt: Barnewell his examinatione, &c: