Examination of Connor Donnogh
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816193r120] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:27 PM
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fol. 193r
The aboue mentioned Connor Donnogh beinge this present fourth of June 1642 further examined concerneinge the takeinge of one William Collis prisoner & detayneing the sayd Collis in restrainte in the Castle of Leslip sayth that that he was amongst others within the sayd Castle of Leslipp when the sayd Collis was brought thether a prisoner by certayne of the Rebells vnder the command of Gerrott ffitz: Gerrold of Brownstowne whoe then likewise had the keepeing of the sayd Castle and the examinat saythe that the sayd Collis beinge soe in theyre hands soone after there
fol. 193v
there was a letter sente by the Earle of Castle Havene vnto the sayd Captayne Gerrott ffitz=Gerrold by a servant of the sayd Earles the contents of which letter was that the sayd Captayne should keepe the sayd Collis safe & not to suffer the sayd Collis to repayre vnto Dublin for sayd the Earle I would not for a thousand pounds that the sayd partie should bee admitted to goe vnto Dublin vppon which letter the sayd partie was accordinglie deteyned vntill vppon an other letter of the Earle of Antryms vnto the sayd Captayne the sayd Collis was returned back vnto madingstowne the sayd Earle of Antryme alleadgeing in his sayd letter that the sayd partie was his servant
Conor Donnogh
Rob: Meredith
The Examination of Connor Donnogh Preist
X C.C.Donnogh Connor Donnoghe Preist