Examination of John Darcy

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=816196r122] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:27 PM

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Date: 1642-09-08
Identifier: 816196r122


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Meath
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Investigative
Commissioners: Robert Bysse
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 196r

The Examinacion of John Darcy servant vnto Mr Nicholas Darcy late of Platten Esquire taken the Eighth of September 1642.
<Y> Being questioned where hee had bein for these Three last dayes, hee saith & confesseth, That vppon Satreday last hee came from Ballinehone in the County of Westmeath & within Three Myles of Tecroghan being Sir Luke Fitz Garretts howse, & comeing through the Towne of Kells in the County of Meath, hee sawe there some one hundred soldiers with one Captaine Cusack of Gerrardstowne, but saith that there are noe maner of Fortificacions about the Towne but what was there the last yeare. Hee further confesseth, That in his way from Ballinehone to Kells; hee was att Castle-Towne a howse of the Earle of Westmeathes, where hee sawe <Z> Sir Thomas Nugent with about some Two hundred men, keepeing of the said Castle.
<a> Being examined whence hee went from Kells, hee saith, That as hee was comeing towards the Towne of the Navan, hee mett with Coronell Finglass, who was accompanied with some Tenn Musketiers & about Two hundred horse, who (as some of the Company told this Examinant) were all bound to goe to Garristowne. but this Examinant parting from them before they came thither, came On Satreday Night aforesaid vnto one Garrett Darcyes howse of Carrestowne about halfe a Myle from Platten, where hee was apprehended by <b> the Lieutenant vnto the Earle of Roscommons Horse Troope & being asked what busines hee had there, hee saith, that he had none, but that hee came onely to see the said Garret Darcy whose servant hee had formerly bein, & that withall hee came with Five yardes of Lynnen Cloath to bestowe as a present vppon the said Garrett Darcy his wife.

fol. 196v

<c> Hee further confesseth, That vppon Friday last, hee was at Killucan, & there hee was informed, That Collonell Birnes was there with men were there being some 200. horse & Three Thowsand Foote, & that the said Birne had there a greate Piece with his Forces there.
<d> Hee likewise saith, That about Thursday last, hee was informed, That the Lo: Mountgarrett, Mr Nicholas Darcy of Platten, & Collonell Birne, & divers other Captaines & Commaunders were att Tecroghan aforesaid; And that it was given out amongst them there, that there was a running Army to be foorth with raised, & the same to be composed of Eight men to be taken out of every Company, & the same to be led & Commaunded by Collonell Birne; but the Horse that are to be raysed, are to be commaunded by McThomas (a Geraldine of the County of Kildare) but what nomber of Horse are to be raysed hee hath not heard.
John Dary his [mark] Marke
This Examinacion was taken by mee
Rob: Bysse

fol. 197r

fol. 197v

8 Sept: 1642
Exajation of John Darsie
Rec at the Board of the Lo: Moore
8 Sept 1642

Deponent Fullname: John Darcy
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Servant
Deponent County of Residence: Meath
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Captaine Cusack, Thomas Nugent, Coronell Finglass, Collonell Birne, Lo: Mountgarrett, Nicholas Darcy, * McThomas, Luke Fitz Garrett, Earle of Westmeathe, Garrett Darcye, Earle of Roscommon
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned