Deposition of Robert Wharton
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:49 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 56v
<R Exr 109:>
<Let it be entered in the proper County>
Robert Wharton of Killan Erle in the County of Catherlaghe= being duly sworne deposeth and saith that he this deponent in & since since the begininge of the present Rebellion and by meanes thereof was robbed by the rebells of 4 English Cowes & other goods to the value of x li. of three horses to the value of xij li. of howshold goods to the value of v li. a newe fowling peece to the value of xxiiij s. of his this deponent s and his wives Clothes to the value of v li. In all amountinge to the some of xxxiij li. iiij s. And that he was robbed by Walter Bagnalls men who himselfe is now also in rebellion as also by Mr Davels people who is likewise in Action of Rebellion
Jurat 6 Aprilis 1642 coram Ran: Adams Johanne Sterne