Examination of Henry Masterson
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fol. 132r
The examination of Henry masterson taken before me the 8th of { } 1642
This examat sayeth that his Cause of Leving of Dublin was to rep{air} to his howse, wher he left his wiffe and Childrin, and to Looke { } a quantetie of monies, that he Left in the Cvstody of a frind { } keept, with the intent to bring of wiffe Childrin and mony for t{heir?} mayntenance, and sayeth that the Councell of the Countie of wex{ford} that is to saye marcus Chevers of wexford Peirce Butler of { } Richard wading of BallyCogly william Esmond of Jhonestowne { } Esmond of Rathlonan John deverex of Depes Thomas Roc{ of} mallmonter walter Roche of Newcastle Phillip Hore of { } Anthony kevannagh of boaniredy Enn[eas] kevannagh of Ballyon{ } Nicholas french of wexford prest olliver Evstace of wex{ford} Richard Synnott of wexford prest, graunted a warrant to {Sir} morgan Kevannagh to apprehend this examinant, and to sease his personnall and reall estate, and sayeth that Sir morgan { } of Clonmollin Enny Kevanagh of bally[croly], Hugh Ballag{ } of Bollinredy Criffin mc Breane kevannagh of milshoge Ed{ } Knowles of Limbrick, with ther severall Companies Came to {this} examat howse of monyceed, and ther surprised his howse { } him selfe prissonner, seased vpon his goods that wear with{in } and vpon his Corne, and his reall estate, and Carried this ex{aminat and} his wiffe to wexford gayle, and sayeth that his Childrin w{ear} throwen out of doeres and foure of John Tres[tian?] Child{rin that} wear in keiping with this examinant, that they wear ready { } and sayeth that he was Comitted as a protestant six we{eks } gayle of wexford all the goods within his howse and his korne { } by Sir morgan kevannagh and the rest, his kowes sheep { } and garrones taken from hi in the begining of this incurrec{tion } Lucke Birne of killevany donnell Roe mc owne of Bally { } Anthony kevannagh of Skernagh divers others whose n{ames he} know not, and sayeth that he did peticion to the Counce{ll of} the Comtie of wexford, for the Libertie of the towne, and was credbly told ther was an act conceaved by the { } Councell vpon this examats peticion to deprive him of his { } which this examat made an escap from wexford his fu{ } in { } that he was taken by Sir { }
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said Sir morgan Comitted this examat to his Castle of Clonmollin, in a Close Chamber, and layd a paire of bolts vpon him, and sent by Elliazbeth foster to this examat to prepare him selfe for god, and that he should be hanged next mornig, the said Elliabeth foster went vpon her knees vnto the said Sir morgan, and desird him to spare this examat Life vntill she went to wexford, and told her that this examat was a herriticke, [ ] and sayeth that he was kept Close prissomer for six wickes night and daye with bolts vpon him and wached, and none admitted to speke with him, vntill such tyme as the bolts did eate into his fleashe to the bones, and further sayeth that sir morgan went to wexford, within twoe dayes after takeing this examat, and sought leave of the Councell of that Countie to put this examat to death which Councell refussed him, wher vpon the said Sir morgan sent for Hugh mc Phelim Birne to Joyne with him to put this examat to death, the said Hugh mc Phelim refused him, and denayed to signe the warrant, and further sayeth that the Lord of mountgerrott being gemerall, sent his warrant for this examinat ffraunces Talbott Person Connars to carrie them and this examats father Roger masterson, to Killkenny to be tried by the supreme Councell, and sayeth that walter Roche prowest marshiall Carried this examat and the rest with twentie horse to gard vs to Rose, and deliverd vs to Captayne graces Company and officers, who Carried vs with fiftie horse to Killkenny, and wear ther Comitted to the Costody of the sheriffe and gayler, and sayeth that this examat and his father wear tried before the supreme Councell vpon a letter of the Lord Esmond, directed to the Lord Persons, which Letter was intercepted and deliverd to the supreme Councell by which letter they would [amade] this examat to be agaynst ther Cause, which they had in hand, and debating the matter at full the said supreme Councell freed this examat, and gave him [ ] the Councelles names, the Lord of gormanstowne, Sir Richard Barnall Bishop of Downe, Bishop of osserry doctor gerrott ffennell Peirce Butler of Clomekeagh porter of watterfor the lawyer Cristopher Nugent mr Chusacke of the defective tithes and divers Clergy men which this examat knew not and sayeth that Sir Robart Talbott Robart Barnall of Shonkille Beverly Britton James mc Edmond Birne of Rathville Robart Harpoll wear at Killkenny at the same tyme, and sayeth that wexford was not { } hund{re}d and fiftie men ther { }
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and sayeth that all the Protestants Lands in the Countie of wexford { }Lett to the vse of the army, and the prests haue enterd vpon all { } Churches teithes and Abbyes within that Countie, and doe Conver t{ } proffits to ther owne vse and the armies vse, he further say{d} that Sir morgan kevannagh had a warrant from the Councell of th{e} Countie of wexford, to burne and fall downe, all the plantacion { } within the three Irishe Barronies in the Countie of wexford and { } towne of Newbarroe, and sayeth that the said howses are burn{t} fallen downe, by vertue of the said warrant, and further s{ } that the vnder named persons wear besedging of the forte { } doncannan, Peirce Butler of Clonekeragh william Browne of { } lyngh Rochford of [tegonnan] Nicholas Stafford of Ballymake h{ } Thomas Roche of mallmonter John Stafford of ballyconnor, m{ } Chevers of wexford Richard wading of ballycogly william h{ } of Jhonestowne, and sayeth that in [ ] the County of wexford he further sayeth that all that Co{ } are out in this accion only frraunces Talbott
Henry maister{son}
Rob Meredith
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James Hamilton the Merchant
Robert Birne
X M. M X
Henry Masterson.