Examination of Walter Bourke
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fol. 173v
This examinant further saith that one Don=Anthonio did offer vnto the Nationall assembly that if they would make him Admirall hee would bring as many dunker shipps as should bee able to keepe the coast of Ireland from any the English shipping and to bee able in despite of them to have free tradeing into fforraigne parts, and that hee would constantly supply them with munition and Armes for their money and desire noe more for all this but the sole benefitt of such prizes as hee should take; they offerred him halfe the benefitt but the further consideracion was left to supreame Councell
This examinant further saith that in his opinion the Townsmen of Gallway have done the state of this kingdome and the kings subiects therein the mo st greatest disadvantage that possibly could bee, for that they did furnish the Rebells of the fower Provinces of this kingdome with powder when the{re} was none to bee had for them any where els in the kingdom and sould the some vnto them for fourteene shillings a pound whereas if they had not soe furnished them many that did tak{e} vpp Armes against the Crowne seeing themselves noe wayes provided for it would not haue done it
Rob Meredith