Examination of Hewe McMahowne

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=840005r002] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 10:08 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-03-22
Identifier: 840005r002


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Misc
Deposition Type: Examination
Nature of Deposition: Words, Investigative
Commissioners: Francis Willoughby
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 5r

N: 2
taken at the wrack 9

Hewe ma: mahowne his examinatione, the 22 of Martch 1641
He sayth that Sir Phelim O neale, the lorde magwire, & Phillipe Mac:Hewe O Realye, wer the first Complotters, and Contriueres of the late Rebellyon: in Irelande
He further sayth that the sayde Sir Phelime the sayde lo: magwire, and the sayde, Phillipe macHewe O Really did tell him, this Examinante; that all the partjes whoe wer parlamente men, att the sessiane of Parlamente, howlden abowte maye laste that wer papistes, did knowe of the Intended Rebellyon, in Ireland; and did aproue of the sayde Rebellyon:
He further sayth, that Phea Phillipe macHewe O Really and Coll MacBrjane MacMahowne did tell to this examinant abowte maye laste att Dublin that the Committee or agentes whoe wer Imployed into inglande of the Parlamente, wold procure and order or Commissione from the king; to awthorise the peop papistes of Irelande, to proseide, i{n}ther Rebellius courses, and that the sayde Pillipe MacHewe O Reallye, did also tel{l} him the same againe, in October laste, in the Cowntye of Monahone, a little before the { } of October, att which tyme this examinante came to this towne

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He also sayth that Coll: macBryane macMahowne In October last a little before that upon a wensdaye beinge the 20th of October laste did att his owne howse tell to this examinante, that the kinge had giune a commission to the papistes of Ireland, to seise seize upon all the garrisones, and stronge howldes in Irelande, and that this examinante showlde see the sayde commissione att his comminge to dublin, and that Captaine Bryane O Neale, grandechilde to Sir Turlo MacHenrye showlde bringe this examinante to the Agente, whoe was one of the committees, that did bringe the Commissione owte of Inglande, butt the Agentes Name, the sayde Coll macBryane did not, or cowld not tell him:
He further saythe that his vnckell Nephewe Phillip macHewe O reallye, aboute six days before the 23 of 8ber laste, beinge att his owne howse of Bellanekaricke did tell examinant that the lorde magwire would be att Dublin upon the 23 of October laste, to take the Castle of Dublin, and this examinante did then promise to bee ther att the same tyme, to the same end and purpose, if he did see the Committione He further sayth that Captain Brjane O Neale meetinge with this examinante att finglasse neere to Dublinge upon the 22th of 8ber, did tell this examinante, that ther wold bee 20 persones, oute of euery Cowntye in the kingedome to assiste in the takinge of the Castle of Dubline
<He sayth further, that Arte macHewe oge macMahowne, came in the companye of this examinante, to this Cittye of Dublin, to asiste in the takinge of the castle of Dublin./. He further sayth that Coll. macBryan macMahowne, did procure Rowry oge macPattricke macMahowne Rowry to perswade Pattricke macMahowne Arte mcMahowne, and Pattricke macOwine macMahowne Ardell macPatricke macMahowne & towe other macMahownes, whose he knoweth not, and Donnawghe ofinelleye, to {come to Dublin} { }>

fol. 6r

whoe wer all aprehended in the howse in Dublin together with this examinante

Fr. Willoughby

fol. 6v

21 March 1641
Examjnacion of Hughe
taken at the rack

Deponent Fullname: Hewe ma: mahowne
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Phelim O neale, lorde magwire, Phillipe Mac:Hewe O Realye, Coll: macBryane macMahowne, Bryane O Neale, Arte macHewe oge macMahowne, Rowry oge macPattricke macMahowne, Pattricke mac Arte mcMahowne, Pattricke macOwine macMahowne, Ardell macPatricke macMahowne, Donnawghe ofinelleye, Turlo MacHenrye
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned