Deposition of Henrie Sankey
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 10:52 AM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 132r
(Note: This entire deposition has been deleted.)
Henrie Sankey of Edenderry in the Kings Countie gent aged 28 yeres or thereabouts sworne and examined before his Maiesties Commissioners deposeth and sayth That on the xxijth day of ffebruary Last 1643 He this deponent being one of the Commissioners for setleing of the quarters betwixt the English and irish garrisons, was then and vpon that occasion mett with other Commissioners in that behalf appointed, at Phillipstowne in the kings County When and where he this deponent observed and sawe, That the kings Castle and fort there was and had bin by the rebells demolished and wasted, and the very walls thereof in seuerall placs, pulld downe, and throwne into the fort ditch, And then and there this deponent asking by whom the same was soe demolished & spojled divers of the Inhabitants of the towne and others protested and <non stet [quia] alterius Comitat> told him That seuerall of the Labouring Inhabitants of the towne and other s protested Cuntry thereabouts were gathered up thither, and set on worke in the time of this Rebellion by Art Molloy of Rathleine Esquire, and by the septs of the Connors & Dempsies to pull downe and spojle the same, And that those labourers had accordingly performed the same in the presence of divers gentlemen of the cheefe of those septs: And this Deponent further sayth That in the begining of the present rebellion in those parts vizt in December 1641 and since he this Deponent hath bin and still is expelled robbed or otherwise dispojled of the possession rents and proffits of his farmes Cattle Corne debts and other goodes of the value & to his Losse of CCC li. at the Least. But by whome he cannot certenly express becawse he was then in England, But as he hath bin credibly informed, the same was done by the sept of the Conners, and by others whose names he knoweth not, they not expressing it vnto him
Jur 15o Marcij 1643 coram
Hen: Jones
Hen: Brereton