Deposition of Marmaduke James
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 01:24 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 235r
(Note: This deposition has been wholly deleted.)
<Exr et Intw {a}ntea>
<204> Marmaduke James of Ballifojle in the parrish of Killeban yeoman sworne and exami ned sayth That he hath beene robbed since the Rebellion of Cattle corne and howshold stuffe a fortnight before Chrismas last to the value of fforty poundes by the tennants of John Ovington of killeban a profest Rebell, And saith that a Masse preist, and sundry Rebells frequented the howse of Sir John Bowen of Balljadams, And that none of his Cattle or goodes (that this deponent could ever Learne) we{re} stollen taken away: And one of his sonns is openly in action, and carrieth armes against his Maiesty
Jur 5o Apr 1642
John Sterne
Randall Adams
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