Deposition of William Opie
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:51 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 7r
<14 Exw>
line 4, deleted: ‘dispossessed’
line 5, added: ‘worth lxxxvj li.’
lines 5-9, deleted: ‘vizt of howsholdgoodes apparrell Lynnen money truncks and Ringes worth Lxxxvj li. left in trust with Conley Magoghagan, money owing by persons Robbed and disabled to make satisfaccion xxx li.’
lines 9-10, replacement: ‘And that he had A nagg a Cow and yearne, taken from him by the Rebells Hugh Magoghagan of the Pallace & John Trandell’ instead of ‘It a Nagg and a Cow value 3.0.0 Hugh Magoghagan of the Pallace It yearne att the weavers 9.0.0 John Trandell a rebell’
lines 11-12, deleted: ‘& of Lynnen and other thinges taken from him on the way to dublin in Clanmeleroe by the lord Dempsies men there’