Deposition of Richard Deane
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:06 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 234r
Richard Deane of the parish of Rowre in the dyocess of Osso rie in the County of Kilkeny Cllerke A Brittish protestan {t} D uely sworne and examined before vs by vertue etc deposeth and saieth that on or aboute the A fortnight before Christyde the 18th of december last past and since the begining of this present Rebellion in Ireland he lost was Robbed and forcibly dispoyled of his goods and Chattells to the seuerall values following viz worth 130 li. 11s.
Off Corne in Haggard to the value of eight pounds
Of Horses on Mare to the value of Twenty Two pounds
Off Houshould goods and houshould provision wollen linen 2 Iron peeces onne case of pistolls on Gould Ring and in Reddy Monyes with a s addell and furniture for a horse to the value of thirty seaven pounds three shillings Debts <due> the some of three skore [ ] Eleaven pounds and eight shillings before thought good & now becom desperat by Reason of <this Rebellion bellion> such ar Jame Thomas ffreeman John Kerny Impoverished protestants James Bolger of Rathsnagadane gent in the County of Kilkeny gent: John Mc Daniell of Ballyleogue in the afore said county Husbandman John Mc Daniell of the County Robert Joyce and Richard Murphy of Inestegoue yeoman in the County aforesaid, the T otall of his losses Amounts to the So me of one hundred thirty pounds Eleaven shillings besides besides the loss of the bennefit of his Church liveings of the Rowre and Kilmarow with in the dioses aforesaid worth Coibus Annis Sixty fife five pownds <per Annum> which hee leaveth to Consideration, And that by the Meanes of the Lord Mount Garrett and his fforces whose names he knoweth nott And further he Cannot depose{th} that alsoe this deponent herd one Richard Murphy merchant in Kilkeny and sherriff for the County of the Citty of Killkeny saie [ ] that the Rebells should neavor have Came in to the Citty of Kilkeny he if hee had not opened the Gates to them. hee alsoe saith that William Connell Regester of the dioses of Ossorie and his wife and Joseph Wheeler of Stomcarty gent and his wife and three Childeren and John Keavan Minister and vicker of DunCart in the dioses of Ossorie with his wife and Children were stripped at in the Citty of Kilkeney as he is informed and further hee Canott deposeRich Deane
<Jurat Coram Nobis 28o Junij 1642>
<[{T}ho]: Badndge Phil: Bisse>
fol. 234v
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Richard Deane Clarke
his Axamination
C 363
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