Deposition of Jane Spring
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:06 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 240r
Jane Spring late of Killinasbug in the parish of Clanmore and within in the County of Kilkenny widdowe (a brittish protestant) duely sworne and examined before vs by vertue of his Maiesties Comission beareing date at Dublin the 5th day of March 1641 touching the robberies and spoiles since the begining of this rebellion comitted by the rebells vpon the English and protestants in the Province of Munster &c deposeth and saith That vpon the 5th of december 1641 she lost was robbed and forceably dispoiled of her goods and Chattles to the seuerall values following vizt [ ] worth 134 li Of Cowes and horses to the value of forty [fiue?] pounds
Of houshold stuffe and weareing apparell to the value of fiue and Twenty pounds Of Implements of husbandry to the value of ten shillinges. Of garden fruites to the value of three pounds. The deponent alsoe saith that by meanes of this presente rebellion in Ireland she is dispossessed of part of the lands of Kilinasbugg aforesaid wherein she hath a lease of seventeene yeeres to come haueing layed out much charges in hedging ditching & other necessary Improuements vpon the same, she conceaues her selfe damnified in looseing the benefitt of the said lease the sume of three score pounds. The totall of her losses amounts to one hundred foure & thirtie poun{ds} ten shillinges. The deponent saith that And about the time
fol. 240v
<B> And about the time aboue mentioned this deponent and her husband John Spring & her child Henry Spring of the adge of seaven yeeres and at least two hundred men women and children mor were stripped in the way to Waterford, within the Cittie of Waterford and at the passadge nere Waterford wherein they were all sent by the Citizens of the same, & there seuerall persons yong and old dyed whoe were neuer admitted Christian buriall, onely their corpes throwen vpon the sands, where the tyde of Ebb and floweth seuerall times beate them vpon the shore, she heard seuerall of the enemyes then at passadge say that the Protestants were noe Christians but heretickes & therefore not to be admitted Christina buryall, the certeyne names of those that spoke these woords or that stripped this deponent and the rest shee cannot remember she canot remember & further she deposeth notJane [mark] Springes marke
Jurat coram nobis
1o ffebruary 1642
Phil: Bisse
Thomas Ellwell
fol. 241r
fol. 241v
Jane Springes
neither lo. muskery mc Carty Reogh nor the
E. of Thomond in theis