Deposition of Henry Baker
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 01:16 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 240r
And That Henry Baker of St Pattricks streete Dublin gent aged 50 yeares or thereabouts maketh fai th sworne & examined deposeth that at the begynning of this Rebellion hee being possessed of a ffarme in Harristowne in the Countie of Dublin, and of Corne, Catle, hay, and goods there to a grea greate value, the Rebells seuerall tymes came thither, and abouts the 26th of November last they entred into this deponents howse there and then, and at other tymes, tooke away furth of the said [ ] howse [ ] and from of the said farme dyvers parcells of this Deponents goods & howshould stuffe, and Corne, as wheate, beare and otes, strawe, hay and some of this deponents horses, Alderman Jans sonne being theire Captaine or leader when they entred the howse, as this deponent was crediblie informed by some of Harristowne aforesaid whoe did see him there, And this Deponent having payed for plowing and sowing of winter Corne there, hath much left vnplowed and vnsowed there And sayeth further that such Catle as hee preserved and brought to Dublin haue ben kept at a greate & extraordynarie charge to this deponent, and some of them are deade, And sayeth further that hee receaved some losse from of another farme neere Dublin, and that hee having neere 100 li. of money due vnto him from seuerall persons in the Countie the great{est} part of yt is nowe Desperate Dett, And that before the Rebelli{on} hee was offred 100 li. for his lease at Harristowne aforesaid but nowe hee thinketh that will not yeeld him any [ ] further proffitt and hee was in some hope to haue receaved some proffitt for his other ffarme, which is nowe frustrated, And sayeth furth{er} that this deponent keeping an Inne in St Pattrickstree{te} aforesaid, and paying there 48 li. rent per annum for his dwel{ling} there [ ] the trade of Inkeeping Doth fayle, and a greate parte of this deponents howse & stables haue ben exposed to the enter{tai}ning and lodging of very many of his Maiesties soldiers troope and foote to this deponents Charg and greate hindrance, Soe as t{he} whole premisses soe considered, this deponent conceaveth that his present estate might haue ben better by three hundred pownds then that is to this deponent as yt nowe standet{h} if the Rebellion had not happenned
Henry Baker
Jurat: 19th ffebr 1641
John Sterne.
Hen: Brereton
fol. 240v