Deposition of Richard Butler ex parte Sir William Sambach
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 05:28 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 258r
Richard Butler of the Citty of Dublin Gentleman sworne and Examined Deposeth and Sayeth, That Sir William Sambach knight his Maiesties Sollicitor generall of the Kingdome of Ireland since the xxiijth day of October now last past was dispoiled depriued, robbed and expulc{ed} of and from his Goods and Chattles within the County of Kildare to the values here after mencioned, Vizt.
Beastes and Cattle worth 400 li. horses xxv li. Swyne xij li., housholdstuffe worth 30 li. Corne worth x li., hay <482> worth 50 li., and by meanes of this present Rebellion was depriued and hath lost the profitts of the Castle=Towne and lands of Ballyna beinge valued att 100 li. per annum; and of 60 li. rent due vnto him att Michelmas last <A> past, by Barnaby Kelly of Adamstowne in the said County Gentleman of the Towne and lands of Adamston and fourscoare Barrells of wheate, and fourscoare barrells of beare corne, due to the said Sir William (by William ffitzGerrald of Clonagh in the said County Gen{tleman} worth 140 li.) out of the lands of Clonagh; and of 40{ } due by bond from the said William ffitz Gerrald and Roger Moore of Balreinard in the said County Esquire, and of 22 li.- 15 s. due from Edmond Duffe of Ballyna Miller And alsoe by reason of this Rebellion is likely to be dep{rived} of 55 li. rent payable att Easter next, by the said Kelly out of the lands of Adamstowne aforesaid and also{e} of the future rents & profitts of the said Townes and lands of Adamstowne and Clonagh vntill a settlement of peace, the same beinge worth 290 li. per annum. Which aforesaid parties debtors are all in acti{ue} rebellion as this Deponent hath crediblie heard and doth verilie beleiue; Soe that the said Sir William Sambath cannot receiue his said debts, arreares of re{ } profitts & rents of the lands aforesaid.
And this Deponent alsoe deposeth that he this Deponent was by meanes of this rebellion depriued of; and hath lost in readie money, wearinge apparell and other thinges to the value of Eight pounds.
Richard Butler
Jurat 17th Martij 1641
John Sterne
William Hitchcocke
fol. 258v
fol. 259r
fol. 259v
Dubljn Rich: Butler
Jur 17 Marcij 1641