Deposition of Robert Bysse
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:40 AM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 260r
By vertu e of A Comission to vs directed vnder the great seale of this kingdome of Ireland bearinge date thedaie ofRobert Bysse of Pelletston in the parishe of Castleknocke and barony therof and Countie of Dublin esquire Hie shirrife of the said Countie Duly sworne saieth, that on or about the xvjth xviijth and xixth of december last Hee was at Pelletston aforsaid Robed and dispoiled of his goods of the value followinge vizt in Catle and beasts worth A hundred and forty pounds In howsold goods Threescoore and Tenne pounds <In Corne xl s.> And other goods Thirtie pounds by or by the meanes of sundrie Rebells whose names are deposed by Roberte Cullyn of Peletston aforesaid yeoman which deposicion this deponent hath seene and redd & is deposed vnto this 7th of ffebr 1641
Robert Bysse
Jur 7o febr 1641 coram nobis
Joh Watson:
Will: Hitchcock
fol. 260v
40 dublin
Robert Bysse Jur 7o
ffebr 1641