Deposition of John Davies
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:36 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 272r
John Davies of Ouldbane in the parish of TallowSlater in the Com of Dublin Slater, sworne & examined deposeth & saith That vppon Saturday the eight day of January last past hee this examinant (a brittish protestant) at Tallow aforesaid was robbed of his goods & Cattells to the values following, (that is) In Cattle to the value of nyne pownds & eight shilling sterling, In howshould stuff of all sorts to the value of fforty shill sterling In the whole amounting to the somme of Eleaven pownds eight shillings sterling <A> which goods & Cattells were taken by Anthony mc Donogh & Tirlogh mc Donogh both of the Com of Wicklow Rebells & by theire souldiers & confederats to the vtter ruine & vndoing of this examinant being his whole estate which hee had to maintaine his wife & Children. And further saith not.
John [mark] Leuyes mark
deposed ffebr 19th 1641
William Hitchcock
William Aldrich
fol. 272v
30 Dublin
John Davies 18o febr 1641