Examination of Hugh Murphy
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=810366r368] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:22 PM
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fol. 366r
The examjnacion of Hugh Murphy of of Laughlinstowne in the County of Dublin aged thirty one yeares or thereabouts taken before vs Justice Donellan Justice Dongan, Ald Thomas Hooke and Mr William Hooke Markham <A> Members of the high Court of Justice appointed a Comittee for examjnacions concerning murders and massacres comitted within the Counties of Dublin and wickloe since the xxiijth of oct 1641
xxvth of Januar 1652
who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith, That a little before the next harvest after the Rebellion in this land began as the examjnant remembers hee beeing then of the Irish partie came with seuerall others vnder the comand of Hugh mc Phelym Byrne into the Towne of Bray within ten miles of the Citty of Dublin Hee saith that the day that hee came into the said towne of Bray hee saw the Corpes of William Beaton and Englishman and a Protestant lyeing on the ground neere to a sally tree on in the said Towne whereon the said Beaton wa had formerly a little before beene hanged, And saith that hee and one John Cornocke did bury the said Beaton, Hee further saith that the day aforesaid hee was credible tould by seuerall persons then in the said towne that the said William Beaton was hanged by
fol. 366v
by James Goodman of Laghlinstowne the elder then [ ] Marshall to the said Hugh mc Phelym Byrne but by whose dire c cion the said Beaton was hanged hee knoweth not And saith that <C> the said Hugh mc Phelym Byrne, Barnard Talbott and the said James Goodman were then in the said towne of Bray when the said william Beaton was hanged, And saith that when hee buried the said william Beaton there was an other Englishman hanging on the said Sally tree, And further hee cannott depose
Hugh [mark] Murphyes
[mark] Ja Donellan Tho: Dongan Tho: Hooke
William Markham
The said Hugh Murphy is bound in one hundred poundes to giue evidence against James Goodman for the murder aforesaid in the high Court of Justice sitting at Dublin vppon notice left at his vsuall place of aboade in Laghlinston and not to departe thence without licence of the said Court,
fol. 367r
fol. 367v
The examjnacion of Hugh
Murphy concerning
the murther of William
Beaton comitted by
James Goodman of
Beaton hanged
Goodman Marshall to Hugh mc Phelym
Reported that he hanged it
He was in Towne