Examination of Thomas Waltryn
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=810375r373] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:19 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 375r
The examjnacion of Thomas Waltryn of the ffurrowes in the County of Dublin aged twenty yeares or thereabouts taken the first of ffebruary 1652 before vs by order of the high Court of Justice
Who beeing duely sworne and examjned deposeth and saith that in July 1650 Hee was liueing in the towne of ffurrowes when Captain George Charles Blundell James Donellan eldest son of Justice Donellan William Donellan Nephew to the said Justice Donellan, John Tully John Cheeuers and Richard Cooke seruants to the said Justice Donellan, were killed in the said towne of ffurrowes by seuerall Tories vizt Mathew Smith Richard Strong, Tady Ellis, Patricke Keregan R one Boyland and Plunkett whose names hee remembreth not and James Wade, [ ] Hee saith hee did not know any none of the said Tories but Tady Ellis Hee saith that hee saw the persons aforesaid when they after they killed and did helpe to carry them to the Church of Swordes to bee buried, Hee saith that the seuerall persons soe killed were all stript by the said Tories (except Richard Cooke) who had but ordinary Clothes, on him, And further hee cannott depose
Thomas [mark] Waltryns
Isaac Dobson Tho: Hooke
William Markham
Recogn of 100 li. acknowledged to appere &c
fol. 375v
fol. 376r
fol. 376v
The examjnacion of
Thomas Waltryn
The Murder at
The ffurrowes
R Rpresent living at ffurrows when
they were kild by the sayd
vist &c & Boyland