Examination of John Confy
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=810377r374] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:19 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 377r
The Examjnacion of John [Cosky] of Confy of the ffurrowes in the County of Dublin Plowman aged thirty yeares or thereabouts taken the first of ffebruary 1652 taken before Lieutenant Collonell Isaac Dobson, Ald Thomas Hooke and Mr William Markham members of the high Court of Justice appointed a Comittee for examjnacions concerning murders and massacres comitted within the Counties of Dublin and Wickloe since the xxiijth of oct 1641
Who beeing duely sworne and examjned saith That in July 1650 hee was in the towne of the ffurrowes in the County of Dublin when Mathew Smith Richard Strong Tady Ellis Patricke Keregan and one Boyland [ ] and one Plunkett whose names hee knoweth not and James Wade and other Tories had killed Captain George Charles Blundell James Donellan eldest son of Justice Donellan William Donellan Nephew to the said Justice Donellan, John Tully and John Cheeuers but did not see the said Tories kill them but saith that hee saw two of the said Tories kill Richard Cooke gardner to the said Justice Donellan Hee saith that hee saw the said Captain Blundell James Donellan, William Donellan John Tully and John Cheeuers after they were killed and did helpe to Carry them to the towne of Swordes to bee buried, his cause of knowledge is that hee saw the said seuerall Tories goeing thorough the said Towne after the said ffurrow murder was comitted And further hee cannott depose
John [mark] Confy
his marke
Isaac Dobson Tho: Hooke
William Markham
acknowledged Recogn of 100 li. to appere &c
fol. 377v
The within named John Confy is bound in one hundred pounds, with condicion to giue euidence for the Comon=wealth in the high Court of Justice sitting at Dublin vppon notice left at his vsuall place of aboade in the ffurrowes and not to departe thence without licence of the said Court
fol. 378r
fol. 378v
The Examjnacion of
John Confy
The Murder at the
att ffurrowes when the Toryes
vist &c & Boyland killed &c
saw the sayd Toryes goe through
the towne after the murder