Deposition of Darby Lea
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 02:14 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 288r
Darby Lea of Balruddery in the County of Dublin, Postmaister aged fforty Eight yeares or thereabouts, being duely Sworne vppon the holy Evangelist: Deposeth That he was Robbed and dispoyled of all his goods at Balruddery aforesaid the first day of December Last, in the fforenoone being of the severall values ffolloweing vizt. in ready money Tenn pounds, one gould Ring worth Tweentie shillings, in Cowes and Horses worth Thirty pounds, in Linnen, woollen, Brass, Pewter, provision for the house, and other goods worth one hundred pounds, Two Ricks of Hay, Three Ricks of ffurze, and some few Barrells of Oates, all worth one and Twenty pounds, in Beere, Wine, and Aquavite worth Eight pounds, in Coles worth ffive pounds one Lease of the Castle, backside, Garden, & Stables, in the Towne of Balruddery aforesaid, for Seaven Yeares Yett to come and vnexpired at and vnder the annuall rent of ffive pounds, worth ffifteene pounds, the Lease of Two Parks, or Closes, neere the said Towne of Balruddery for Eighteene Yeares, Yett to come and vnexpired at and vnder the annuall rent of ffower pounds Tenn shillings worth ffifteene pounds in all amounting vnto the summe of Two hundred pounds. By meanes <A> of the rebell Captain Cusack of or neere Raharlan in the County of Meath, accompanied with divers other Irish Rebbells, to the nomber of aboute fforty men. And further deposeth, That his Wife was Likely to be hanged three severall times, And that he hath heard that the said Rebbells had murthered Derrick Huibarts of Holme=Patrick gentleman
[ ] mr Pardoe Clark & a Post that came from Dublin, with other English Protestants, but to what Nomber he knoweth not.
The mark of Darby Lea
Jur 25o Jan: 1641
Will: Hitchcock
John Sterne
fol. 288v