Deposition of Rowland Davenport
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 01:37 PM
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1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 97r
Rowland Davenport late of the parish of Affane in the Barrony of the Dessies and County of Waterford gentleman being duly sworne and examyned by vertue &c deposeth and sayeth that one ore about 28th day of December last past and since the begining of this present rebellione in Ireland hee lost was [ ] robbed and forceablly taken away dispoyled of his goods and chattells to the seuerall values follo w ing e viz{t} worth 287 li. Partly owing by those that areOf goods and Chattells Cowes hor e ses Mares and Colts to the vallue of ffower sc o ore and twelue pounds In hay in the haggard to the value of ffifteene pounds: of houshold provision and ffurnttvre to the value of [ ] fowerty fivefe povnds; in debts to the sume of twenty sixe pounds which before this rebellione were accounted good debts but now become desperate by reson of this rebellion the partys in debted are out in actuall rebellion as { } John ffiztgerrald of ffearnan gentleman, Teig o fflynn of Affane husbandman both of the County of Waterford;
<also> In annuall rent for 8 yeares yet to come out of a parcell of the landes of Affane aforesaid worth 23 li. per annum abou e ts declaro which being well improved without [ ] a dwelling house and out housses now bur e nt by me a nes of this rebellion by re a so n where of hee concoues him seluef to bee damnyfid 109 109 li. the totall of his losses amounts to the value of tow hundred Eightty seven pound he alsoe saith that hee was robbed by of seaun of those cows aforsaid by Edward butler of seaven Cowes bill frehane ye man in the County of Waterford yeoman and James fisthomas fitzgarald of karrig Ihelly gent was he that stoll from him h one sorrall gealding from Ballyhenny but for them that stoll the foresaid others Cattell & goodes aforesaid this Deponent knoweth not & further he cannot depose
Ro Dauenport
Jurat coram nobis 11 Aug
Phil: Bisse
Jam: Wallis
fol. 97v
The examinatione
of Rowland Davenporte