Deposition of Gerrard Lowther

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 04:42 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1642-02-26
Identifier: 809290r178


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Dublin
Deposition Type: Dublin Original
Nature of Deposition: Apostacy, Captivity, Multiple Killing, Robbery, Stripping, Lost By Debts
Commissioners: Henry Brereton, Henry Jones, John Sterne, Randall Adams
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 290r

The Examinacion of Sir Gerrard Lowther knight Cheiffe Justice of his Maiest{ies} Court of Common pleas in the kingdome of Ireland, taken before vs the xxvj{th} daie of ffebruary 1641 By vertue of his Maiesties Comission &c.
The said Examynate being sworne and examyned Deposeth and saith That his
Rents issueing out of his Lands and possessions in the Counties of ffermannagh
and Wexford, before, and at the tyme of the Breakinge out of this Rebellion
Amounted to ffoure hundred pounds by the yeare, and that he hath not
receaued this Rent nor any parte thereof since the breakinge out of this
Rebellion, nor cann (as he Conceaueth) receaue the same, dureinge the
Contynuance of the said Rebellion, And that he hath heardth, and beleeueth
it to be true, That the Rebells haue Hanged some of the Tenants of his
said Lands, Murthered others of them, and imprisoned others, Stript
starrued and Banished the rest, and Robbed & spoyled all of them of their
goods, and possessed themselues of his Lands: and Layed the same waste.
Savinge onely one of his Tenants in the Countie of Wexford, whoe is
Reported to haue bene enforced by the Rebells to goe with them to Masse
and into Rebellion. Soe that he Accompteth. and verily beleeueth to bee
deprived by this Rebellion, and dureinge the contynuance thereof, of
ffoure hundred pounds by the yeare, Besides his said Lands. beinge remote
from Dublin are not likely of a Longe tyme after peace to be brought to
that Habitation and improvement againe as they were at the Breaking
out of this wicked Rebellion Soe that the Rebells haue deprived him of the
of all his Lands and r ents. Savinge onely his house & garden in the
subburbs of d ublin
................................................................................400 li. per annum
Hee further Deposeth That he hath Lately caused to bee Built vppon his Lands
in the Countie of ffarmannagh, a Stronge Dwellinge house of Lyme, and
Stone, and a Chappell of Ease, His said Lands lyeing farre distant from
the Parishe Church. The perfecte Accompte whereof. Hee hath not yet
receaued. But verily beleeueth. that his parte of the Chardge thereof. Will
Amounte to aboue ffoure hundred pounds And that he receaueth noe
benefitte thereby. By reason of this Rebellion.......................................................400 li.
And he ffurther Deposeth That by occasion of this Rebellion, He is
Deprived of Allmost all the casuall profitts and prequisits of this offices
he holdeth vnder his Maiestie in this Kingdome, and still Attendeth here
wherein he conceaueth to Loose at a Reasonnable estimate aboue ffive hundred
pounds per Annum dureinge this Rebellion, though his Maiestie be gratiously
pleased to Contynue his standinge ffees and intertainements.............500 li. per Annum

fol. 290v

And hee ffurther Deposeth That there are seuerall Arreares of Rent and other debts
due vnto him by specialties and otherwise in this Kingdome Amountinge
to aboue eleauen hundred pounds some of which debtors beinge Englishe
protestants. Are (as this examinate hath heard by some of themselues &
otherwise) Robbed and vndonne by the Rebells, and others of them
beinge Papists are Reported to bee in Rebellion. Soe that these debts
by occasion of this Rebellion are (as he Conceaueth) become desperate and
this examynate likely to be deprived thereof amounting to.................................1100 li.
The Examynate ffurther saith That there are other debts due vnto him in this Kingdome, whereof Hee hopeth good paiement hereafter to bee made But cannot at the present receaue the same, by reason of this Rebellion
The Examinate ffurther saith That he Cannot certainely sett downe the Losses he hath sustained in his goods in the Country, vntill he receaue informacion from those that had the Custody of them, nor those Losses he hath sustained by sendinge of his wife and Childe with their servants into England for safegarde of their lives, and maintayning them there nor those Losses he hath sustained here, beinge driven himselfe to forsake his house in the subburbs, and to take Lodgings in the Cittie of Dublin at a Weekly Rent for himselfe his ffamily and goods and in removing his goods and housholdstuffe too and fro, and beinge forced to dispose of them in seuerall places, Whereby he feareth to loose some of them and seuerall other Losses sustained by him by occasion of this Rebellion which he cannot nowe estimate, But desireth maie hereafter bee Added herevnto, When he shall receaue full informacion thereof
Gerrard Lowther
Deposed before vs febr. 26. 1641
Hen: Jones
John Sterne
Randall: Adams
Hen: Brereton

Deponent Fullname: Gerrard Lowther
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Knight
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin