Deposition of Thomas Whitell ex parte Thomas Newcomen
[] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 12:16 PM
Dublin Core
1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata
fol. 301r
Thomas Whitell late of Killeneny in the Countie of Dublin gent sworne and examined saith that he is well assured that his Master Sir Thomas Newcomen Barronet since this present rebellion began hath bine robbed expelled dispoiled and otherwise Lost by the rebells of this Kingedome in Cattle sheepe rents and proffits of Lands and other goods within the said Kingedome to the valewe of three thowsand & twoe hundreth Pownds at the Least as he verely believeth And further saieth that the rebells that robbed his said Master (or at least soe many as he can name) at Kilmullen are these that followe vizt Edmond Birne of Teneparke <A> Cahir mc Arte of Ballyronan, Doole mcDonnogh of the Ballyboys and Anthony mc Donnogh of the same all lately dwellinge in the Countie of Wickloe, Thomas gentlemen one of the sonn s of mr Scurlock of Rathcredan styled a captaine and Charles Hethrington of Rathcoole in the Countie of Dublin & others to the number of 140 persons at his Lands & of his goodes at Killeneny
Tho: whettell
Jur 2o Marcij 1641
Joh Watson:
William Aldrich
fol. 301v
(endorsement on
fol. 302v