Examination of Luke Toole

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=811186r133] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 12:19 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1653-01-27
Identifier: 811186r133


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Killing
Commissioners: Dudley Loftus, Isaac Dobson, James Donelan, Thomas Dongan, Thomas Hooke
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 186r

The examjnacion of Luke Toole of Castlekeuin in the County of Wickloe aged three score and ffifteene yeares or thereabouts taken before Justice Donellan, Doctor Loftus Justice Dongan Doctor Loftus Lieutenant Collonell Dobson and Alderman Thomas Hooke Members of the high Court of Justice appointed a Comittee for examjnacions concerning murders and massacres comitted within the Counties of Dublin and Wickloe since the 23th of oct 1641
27 Jan: 1652
Whoe beeing duely examjned saith That about the begining of the Rebellion hee had a coma u nnd of a R hee was Summoned by Hugh mc Phelym Byrne Lieutenant Generall of <A> the runing Army for the Irish, to meet bee at Balligarny in to ioyne with others of the Irish Army there to giue opposition to the [ ] Sir Charles Coote who about that tyme with a parte of the English Army was marcht into the County of Wickloe Hee saith that hee d hee beeing come to Balligarny hee there found Phelym mc Redmond Byrne who comanded in Cheife ouer the examj nant and the rest of the party then at Balligarny beeing <B> Hee further saith that hee comeing in vnto an euening into the said towne of

fol. 186v

Balligarny there was an man hanging vppon a bush neere the house of Balliga{rny} at which his horse started and vppon enquiry hee was tould by some of the soldiers there <C> that hee was a sheepheard but to whom hee cannott well remember nor doth hee knowe the said mans name or whither hee were an englishman or and Protestant, Hee saith that hee did not giue any order for any hanging the said sheapheard or any other or at Balligarny neither doth hee know of any other that gaue any order for hanging of any there nor doth hee knowe of any other that was hanged there, Hee saith that hee doth not knowe of any English or Protestant <D> that was brought into the said house of Balligarny before the examjnant or any other there, hee the examjnant and the rest of the Partie haueing gone away earely the next morning after his comeing to Balligarny as aforesaid to meete with the said Sir Charles Coote Hee further saith that hee neither saw nor knew John Leeson or Nathainell Snapp
Luc: Toolle
Ja Donelan
Tho: Dongan
Dud: Loftus
Isaac Dobson
Tho: Hooke

Deponent Fullname: Luke Toole
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent County of Residence: Wicklow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Hugh mc Phelym Byrne, Phelym mc Redmond Byrne, Charles Coote, John Leeson, Nathainell Snapp
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Rebel, Mentioned, Mentioned, Mentioned