Examination of Luke Toole

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=811187r134] accessed Monday 25th of September 2017 03:21 PM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-09-28
Identifier: 811187r134


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Killing, Robbery
Commissioners: Edward Bolton, Gerard Lowther, Thomas Dongan
Deposition Transcription:

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The Examinacion of Luke Toole of Castlekevin in the County of wickloe Esquire taken the xxviijth daye of September 1652 before Sir Gerrard Lowther knight Sir Edward Bolton knight and Thomas Dongan Esquire Commissioners for Adminsitracion of Justice Oyer & Termier & Gaole delivery &c Att Dublin.
[Whoe] sworne and The saide Luke Toole beinge duly examined saith that in the begining of the Rebellion he had vnder his Comand the number <A> of a thowsand men or thereabouts but denyeth that he was present or of that partie that tooke in Joabe wards howse or Castle of Knockrath in the County of wickloe or when quarter or Articles were given vnto the said Joab ward and the English in that Castle but saith that the said Castle was taken and Articles and quarter given by a Partie of the Birnes and other theire Adherents as this Examinant hath heard and saith in particuler that theis men whose names doe follow vizt Phel im mc Redmond Garratt mc Phelim Birne James mc Phelim Birne Maior Phelim mc Redmond Birne and Ja Shane mc Bryan Birne were present and of that partie that tooke in the said Castle and as he credibly heard that they gave quarter to the said Joab ward and those English that were in the saide Castle, and saith that he did not know nor heare of any of the Englishe that were in the said Castle that ei ther before or after quater given were taken out of the said Castle or hanged or put to death by any of that partie or any other and saith that he this Examinant was at his owne howse at Castlekevin at the tyme whe the said Castle was taken in by the said Birnes and the rest

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rest of that partie and saith that he this Examinant was not at the said Castle nor of or in the saide partie at any tyme dureinge the saide <C> siege of the saide Castle nor at the giveing of the quarter as aforesaide, and saith that he nether did sign vnto the said Articles nor consent vnto the said quarter And further saith the saide Luke Toole beinge demanded if he knew or hath heard anythinge of the takeing of a viccars wife from deanes Grange within six or seaven myles of Dublin, and whether she was threatened to be hanged neare that place and whether after beinge carryed to Powerscourt and there heareinge of somme victorye obtained by the English against the Irish and there vpon she expressinge somm ioye or reioyceinge at the same and that notice being therof given to him the said Luke Toole; He the saide Luke did not therevpon give order for <D> hangeinge of the said viccars wife. He the saide Luke Toole doth absolutely denye & saye that he never knew the saide viccars wife and that he gave noe such order or directions to hange her nor doth he know any thinge of or concerneinge the same, And saith dureinge his livinge or resideing at Powerscourt aforesaid

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he never had any howskeeper or woman sarvant dwellinge ther with him to teech his Children <E> or other wayes And further saith that he never heard or knew of any English killed or hanged at or neare any of the three foords neare adioyneing to his this Examinants howse of Castlekevin And further saith that it was Sir Morgan Kavenaghs men that went to Deanes Grange and plundred the same place
Luc: Toolle
Gerrard Lowther
Tho: Dongan

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The Examinacion of Luke
Toole touchinge the takeing
of Joabe wards Castle
of Knockrath

Deponent Fullname: Luke Toole
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Esquire
Deponent County of Residence: Wicklow
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Joabe ward, Garratt mc Phelim Birne, James mc Phelim Birne, Phelim mc Redmond Birne, Shane mc Bryan Birne, Morgan Kavenagh
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Victim, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel, Rebel