Examination of Gyles Broome

Citation: TCD, 1641 Depositions Project, online transcript January 1970
[http://1641.tcd.ie/deposition.php?depID?=811195r138] accessed Tuesday 26th of September 2017 09:58 AM

Dublin Core

Date: 1652-10-07
Identifier: 811195r138


1641 Deposition Item Type Metadata

County: Wicklow
Deposition Type: Commonwealth
Nature of Deposition: Multiple Killing
Commissioners: Edward Bolton, Gerard Lowther, Thomas Dongan
Deposition Transcription:

fol. 195r

The further & third Examinacion of Gyles Broome of Dublin soldier of the Age of lxxvtie yeares or thereabouts taken the vijth daye of October 1652 before vs Sir Gerrard Lowther knight Edward Bolton knight & Thomas Dongan Esquire Commissioners for Administracion of Justice Oyer and Terminer and Gaole delivery &c at Dublin
The saide Gyles Broome beinge called before the saide Commissioners the daye and yeare abovesaide Captaine Cahir alias Charles mc Phelim Birne beinge then <A> present doth vpon view of the said Cahir alias Charles Birne saye vpon his oath that the saide Cahir alias Charles Birne now by him seene is the same Captaine Cahir alias Charles Birne whoe after the takeinge in of Joabe wards Castle of Knockrath in the first yeare of this Rebellion (presently after the breaking out therof in the County of wickloe) being in the Parke of Knockrath aforesaide and there meetinge with Henry Broome the sonn of this Examinant did then and there (as the said Henry this Examinants said sonn then tould him this Examinant) Comand the said Henrye forthwith to goe into the said Castle to the said Joab ward and to require him the said Joab at his perill to deliver out of the said Castle three Englishemen that is to say by name Edward Sneap other wayes comonly called Ned of the bridge Thomas Huntpatch the smith and Richard the Carpenter, and that the saide Henry Broome this Examinants saide sonn did therevpon come to the saide Joabe ward at the Castle <B> aforesaide and delivered the said message vnto him the saide Joab whoe therevpon delivered the saide three Englishmen out of the said Castle vnto the saide Captaine Cahir alias Charles Birne and the rest of his Complices there, And further saith that the saide three Englis{h} men were all of them in the saide Castle at the tyme when quarter was made with the saide Joab ward and the rest of the Englishe then in the saide Castle for their lives and goods, and that the like quarte{r} was given vnto them three Englishmen as was given vnto the rest of the English then in the said Castle. And this Examinant further saith that it was about the space of a forthnight after the saide Castle was taken in by the Irish and quarter given and Articles made for performance of the said quarter) that the saide three Englishmen

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Englishmen were demanded and required by the saide Captaine Charles Birne and accordingly delivered out of the Castle vnto them him as aforesaid as in and by this Examinants former Examinacion taken the fifth daye of this instant before the Comissioners aforesaide more at large maye appeare, And further saith that he this Examinant was present and did see the saide three English men delivered vnto the said Captaine Captaine Charles alias Cahir Birne as aforesaid, And furth saith not, more then what he hath saide in his former Examinacions
Giles Broome
Gerrard Lowther
Edw: Bolton
Tho: Dongan

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The ffurther Examinacion
of Gyles Broome
touchinge the quarter at
Knockrath &c

Deponent Fullname: Gyles Broome
Deponent Gender: Male
Deponent Occupation: Soldier
Deponent County of Residence: Dublin
Mentioned Non-Deponent Fullnames: Cahir alias Charles Birne, Edward Sneap, Thomas Huntpatch, Richard *, Henry Broome
Mentioned Non-Deponent Roles: Rebel, Victim, Victim, Victim, Witness